The transition from high school to college is a big difference as they all say. The college and high school life are somewhat similar but different in many ways. It has its days where it’s smooth and then the downhill days where things are not going okay. I have started college on the 26th of August. It has been a frustrating feeling because I was not prepared to be taught online so I had to adjust to that. I wanted to go to campus and be able to learn and experience college life as an incoming freshman.As me being a Bengali American it had been an accomplishment being able to go to college and able to have the opportunity to finish school and make my parents proud but its also for me to know i am a successful independent young adult woman.

College is a part of life that teaches you to be independent and being able to take care of your actions. College so far has been very overwhelming with all the assignments and being able to keep up with al the professor’s work and to stay on top so I know that I am not behind. I am trying to do all the work due to my being sick and that has triggered me to be behind the work however I was able to take actions and message my professors so that i don’t miss anything important. College is a way that shows you how to be your person.

The classes such as the college life AAA has helped me so much just taking advice from the professors she can help me an show that it is okay because we all struggle and that it will happen since just starting college as a new freshman.I can also pick things up from my English class she is very understanding and had helped me with the struggles I had so far.


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