MAT2572 Probability w/ Statistics, FA2017

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  • Statistics and Probability In Information Technology & Security
  • #45488


    Hello there, my name is Clinton K and I am majoring in applied mathematics with an intention of someday applying it in Security Networking in the Information Technology (I.T.) field. Internet Security in the evolving I.T field is no longer a given but rather game of risk minimization. This implies that Probability and Statistics is an essential course.

    As a future professional in the aforementioned field, it will need me to be able to understand and articulately reduce the risk levels that businesses face. This is through the structuring of the best and most secure strategies to secure the business assets as regards data and information.

    Due to the difference in businesses, their reference of what their assets are, is also different therefore the need of a combination of statistics and probability to devise the most cost efficient but effective way of reducing the vulnerability of being attacked. The making of all these decisions depends on statistics and/or studies conducted upon different companies, recent known cyber-attacks by Cyber Security companies.

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