MAT1372 Statistics with Probability

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Group 6 Research Project", saved on November 5, 2017 at 6:58 pm by Victor Sirelson
Group 6 Research Project
Group 6 members: Albert Chang Ricardo Garcia Darian Jarvis Eulalee Oliver Gina Patterson This will be the project document. As a group you can work here as well as in the discus sion section. Everyone should participate. This is the general structure you need to follow: TITLE Give the title of your study and the first and last names of the others in your research group. OBJECTIVE Write the objective carefully, stating the question you are investigating. Define the two variables you are comparing. Define the population from which data will be drawn. BACKGROUND Give some background on the question you are studying. Include anything interesting about your group discussion for this project. SOURCE OF DATA Describe the source of your data. Describe why you chose this source and whether you had any difficulties with gathering the data. Describe why you consider this data source to give dependable and relevant data for your study. If you will be conducting a survey, include a copy of the survey, describe how you will choose your sample. TYPE OF ANALYSIS Describe the type of analysis you will use to analyze your data. This might include Scatter Plot and Regression Analysis, or Chi-Square test for Independence of two characteristics. This will continue with the data collection, analysis and conclusions.

Old New Date Created Author Actions
November 5, 2017 at 11:58 pm Victor Sirelson