MAT1372 – Statistics – Spring 2016

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  • HW #7 - due Wed May 11
  • #36669

    Suman Ganguli

    Please get started on HW#7 with exercises from Sec 6.2, which covers the concept of continuous probability distributions, as we discussed in class on Monday. Additional exercises from Sec 6.3 & 6.4 will be added to this HW as we cover them in class tomorrow and next Monday.

    HW #7 (due Wednesday, May 11):
    Section 6.2 (pp264-266): #1, 2, 3, 6
    Sec 6.3 (Normal Random Variables): #1, 2, 3-11
    (#3-11 are multiple choice questions, but as the instructions say, draw a picture to justify your answer. For #3-7, draw a picture of the standard normal curve (as in Fig 6.5). For #8-11, sketch a normal curve with mu = 15 and sigma = 4; look at Fig 6.6)

    Also this week, you should hand in a 1-paragraph project description. This should describe:

    –your specific topic
    –the data you will use
    –the statistical analyses you will perform

    I will post an example under a separate discussion thread to help you with this.

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