MAT 1375/D565 – Bonanome – Fall 2017

active 5 years, 7 months ago
MAT 1375/D565 - Bonanome - Fall 2017
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
MAT 1375
Semester / Year
Fall 2017
Course Description

Topics include an in-depth study of functions such as polynomial functions, radical functions, rational functions, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions; connections to vectors and complex numbers; solving trigonometric equations, and identities involving sum, double and half-angle formulas; Binomial Theorem and progressions.


This course was created by: Marianna Bonanome

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Hi Ricardo, Exam #4 will be this Thursday 11/30. We will go over some Sample Exam questions today in class. Best, Prof. Bonanome See MoreExam

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