LNG1100, Spring2019

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  • Unit 8: Gener Talk
  • #53530

    HI students, as indicated in class, you will use this discussion thread to report back on your short survey of gendered language attitudes on Tech campus.
    Ro remind everyone: you went out about campus and had a handout with questions about men/women and talk. When you returned to class, I asked you to do a 6-8 sentence summary of your findings. Be sure to identify the person you interviewed, their demographics, and what they said. Make a conclusion based on the question you asked. Please indicate the questions you are specifically referring to in the summary.
    We will read these on Thursday, April 11, 2019. Each response will be graded A-F.
    Prof. Alatriste


    Israt Rija

    I interviewed two people. one is girl and one is boy. While I interviewed them, I found they mostly say similar things. They both agreed in some points. For example, they didn’t agree that women talk more than men because they believed both men and women talk equally. Based on gender, we can’t say who talk more, it could be anyone. Then, the girl said women are more polite where the boy said he didn’t believe in gender discrimination so he believes, they both can be polite not just women. They both said, women’s language are seen as aggressive but when I asked who give more compliments, one said women and one said men. Later, they both agreed that women overuse intensifiers and they disagreed with the idea when I asked about their opinion on men don’t give compliments to other men. They didn’t agree with a few ideas such as male language needs to be more aggressive, men talk to report their achievements and men are expected to dominate in work places by giving out orders. Then, both students agreed with a few ideas such as women talk to bond with each other and create a positive rapport, men don’t gossip as much as women and women tend to be indirect.

    Israt Rija


    Christopher Riba

    I interviewed one girl and a one guy. Both sides of the story were quite different. The girl for many of the questions had a similar response, being that it depends on certain situations on how people, both genders use their language. She was very against about the language use stereotypes of girls and guys and said that everyone’s speech is heavily influenced by certain circumstances such as their neighborhood, background, culture, current emotional state, and even the time of day. On the other hand the guy felt that there is a sense of masculinity that projects on to how a guy tends to speak and resembles qualities of strength and power. He also believes that to be a man is to be aggressive and confident (question 7). For example he believes that giving compliments is more of a girl thing and that it is usually unusual for a guy to give compliments to one another and seen as non-masculine (question 6). However he felt that in this generation that gossip is the culture now and both genders gossip equally as much, which he said was once a girl’s tendency (question 10)



    I interviewed two females, Britney was a freshman and Katrina was a sophomore and around the same age. I asked the first six questions to Britney where she disagreed with questions 1,3 and 4. For question 1, she thought that women and men can speak the same amount just depends on the topic of discussion. For question 3, she felt that women who are seen as aggressive are judged from weak mean who are intimidated when a female speaks ‘aggressive’. For question 4, she felt that men make their way to compliment a female unlike females that are often intimidated by females so compliments aren’t really seen. Britney agreed with questions 2, 5 and 6. The last 6 questions were asked to Katrina, where she disagreed with questions 7,10 and 11. For question 7, she thought that a man can be strong with a smart mind not by being aggressive. For question 10, she thought that men can gossip just as much as women, men love to talk about their hookups or about other men. For question 11, men shouldn’t just be giving out orders to be seen like the boss. A true boss will connect with their team in order to dominate the work place. Katrina agreed with questions 8, 9 and 12. This survey shows how females are against the stereotype of the qualities that are seen in women and men.


    Thank you Israt, Geannel and Christopher! Interesting reports! You’ve earned credit on them.
    Other students, this is due today by 2:30. You will get zero if you don’t do the work. We are missing 10 more reports.


    shemar tyrell

    I interviewed 2 people who had similar and different answers. for example the first guy I interviewed said woman are more talkative then men because they tend to be more over dramatic . the other guy I interviewed said men tend to be more talkative depending on the situation . for example men talk more because of their pride. one guy said men don’t have to be aggressive to be strong they just have to know how to react in crucial situations. one guy agreed that men are not expected to assert dominance in the workplace because females have equal rights too and can be just as dominant. on the other hand the other guy said men are more dominant than woman so they are expected to be dominant in the workplace. both guys agreed on 5 but had different reasons questions . but overall they agreed on the same things.



    i interviewed a man and a woman and the responses were quite different. the male claimed that women spoke much more then men, they were more likely to gossip and women are more likely to report their achievements. additionally, the claim was made that women compliment more then men was “Situational. Men give less than women for sure but I’ve heard guys compliment each other at events or at the gym and stuff”. conversely however, he strongly disagreed that men are expected to dominate the workplace, as he “came from two different jobs with Women of color in leadership positions.

    on the female end, the claim was made that men speak far more then women and boast about their achievements regularly. additionally, the claim was made that “Women who use strong language should be taken seriously” as opposed to be seen as “aggressive”. she claimed that men boasted more, gave less compliments, and “A man could squeak and be seen as a strong person”, and women complimented more, were more receptive of communication, are more polite and are more indirect.

    There seems to be a huge shift in perspectives of the opposing gender and that there were few overlaps in each others interviews, with the few common agreements being that women are softer speakers, used more compliments, men are more direct and aggressive. this clash in views shows the differences between how men and women view each other.


    Rahana Akther

    Language is a learned social behavior. How we talk and listen are deeply influenced by our cultural experience. In my recent survey I have interviewed two people on the topic of “gender talk” in city tech where I asked questions to a freshman from Yemen and a sophomore from Europe. They both agreed on similar points and had few differences. For example, they both disagreed on the question “women talk more than men” because they didn’t believe in gender discrimination. They believe women and men can speak the same depending on the topic of discussion and situation. Although Communication isn’t as simple as saying what you mean, how you say what you mean in crucial and different from one person to another. For the question “women are more polite than men” both have different point of views while one agree and the other disagree . For questions 3- 12 both agreed on the same point. They both believed women give more compliments than men. Also, both felt that women are overuse intensifier in term of social talk and that men do not give compliments to other men.

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