Israt Rija’s Profile

Active 2 years, 10 months ago
Israt Rija
Display Name
Israt Rija
Major Program of Study
Career and Technology Teacher Education

Proud Bangladeshi American. Attending College as a full time Student

My Courses

MAT 1475 Spring 2020 ZHOU

MAT 1475 Spring 2020 ZHOU

Topics include functions, limits, differentiation, and tangent lines, L’Hôpital’s Rule, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Applications.

ENG 2001

ENG 2001

Course Description (course catalogue): Analysis and critical understanding of selected fiction. Our Course: In this class, we will study the human condition through the eyes of scholars, creative writers and, especially, through the medium of film. In doing so, we will examine the evolution of the evolving human identity: the hero/heroine, the martyr, the vigilante, familial bonds and constraints, vengeance, rage, freedom, sex, love, hate, the bitch, the bastard, race, Class, and everything in between that showcases the human story in all its complexity. This semester, this course will also study several works of fiction that have transitioned to the big screen. As such, viewing visual texts in class is JUST as important as reading course material. English 2001 is both reading and writing intensive and will address socially sensitive topics. Those uncomfortable with any/all of the described course content should reconsider taking this course.

ENG 1101 — LC53 — YASSS…..A Course as Bold as You!, Spring 2019

ENG 1101 — LC53 — YASSS…..A Course as Bold as You!, Spring 2019

We invite you to join us on a journey of discovering your dopest self through psychology and writing. In this course, you will learn how to examine, articulate, and shape your identity as a consumer and producer of knowledge by exercising psychological and rhetorical principles. You will develop a framework for understanding thoughts, feelings, actions, and communication as they are shaped by biological, social, and cultural forces. By the end of this learning community, you will understand how and why it is essential to connect, coexist, and learn from bold other selves who are different than you in our language-using, communication-based world. Oh, and you will learn to slay as you do it.

LNG1100, Spring2019

LNG1100, Spring2019

Language, Culture and Society course examines the relationship between language use and social and cultural structures. It engages issues of language policy, language variation, dialects, and language change, among many other topics.

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