Liv­ing Lab 2nd Year Fel­lows

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  • Gen Ed Meeting, 2/3
  • #12574

    Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Dear Liv­ing Lab Fel­lows,
    Fri­day Jan­u­ary 27th was an ex­tra­or­di­nary kick­off to what we are sure will be a pro­duc­tive se­mes­ter lead­ing to a greatly en­hanced ex­pe­ri­ence for all City Tech stu­dents and fac­ulty alike. Robin and I are im­pressed with both your en­thu­si­asm for your own re­search and the ex­pe­ri­ences you bring to these sem­i­nars.
    We are sure that this Fri­day will be equally re­ward­ing. As you know, we will meet in the Fac­ulty Lounge to en­gage in a work­shop with the Gen Ed Com­mit­tee. Dur­ing this work­shop we will work in groups to brain­storm some ways that we can use high im­pact prac­tices to im­ple­ment gen­eral ed­u­ca­tion out­comes into our courses. In prepa­ra­tion for Fri­day we have asked for you to read from the Bean book and to re­view Wig­gins and McTighe. We have also made the Title V Grant Ra­tio­nale avail­able to you in the files sec­tion of our Open­Lab site. If you would like, you can re­view this file to bet­ter ac­quaint your­self with how our work will com­pli­ment the work of the col­lege’s Gen Ed Com­mit­tee. The most re­cent file rep­re­sent­ing the work of the Gen Ed Com­mit­tee will be posted to the site on Wednes­day.
    We are avail­able to an­swer any ques­tions you might have lead­ing into Fri­day’s work­shop. Ques­tions or com­ments can be posted in the “dis­cus­sion” sec­tion on the pro­ject pro­file.
    After meet­ing with the Gen Ed Com­mit­tee, we will re­turn to the Fac­ulty Com­mons for lunch (please bring your own) where we will meet to dis­cuss the group pro­jects we will work on this se­mes­ter.
    Enjoy this beau­ti­ful weather!


    johannah rodgers

    Thanks for mak­ing the pro­ject ra­tio­nale avail­able! I’ve ac­tu­ally found that some of my stu­dents have also been in­ter­ested in find­ing out more about this.

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