Liv­ing Lab 2nd Year Fel­lows

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  • Final Presentations
  • #12715

    Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Today was such a re­ward­ing day. The work each Fel­low pre­sented is ev­i­dence of the time and ded­i­ca­tion you put forth over the last few months. This work will help en­gage our stu­dents, re­vi­tal­ize Gen Ed and lead us to­wards big­ger changes through­out the cur­ricu­lum at City Tech.

    Thank you for up­load­ing the files of today’s pre­sen­ta­tions (if you have not yet done so please up­load your pre­sen­ta­tion and/or stu­dent hand­outs as a file on the course pro­file). These files will help pro­vide ev­i­dence of our work through­out the se­mes­ter.

    I would also like to send a spe­cial thanks to Robin. The suc­cess of the se­mes­ter has some much to do with Robin’s in­sights and ex­pe­ri­ence. We are all for­tu­nate to have had her as part of the Grant. Good luck in your en­deav­ors.

    Again, thank you to all the Fel­lows. Enjoy the sum­mer.


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