LAW4900 Se­nior Legal Sem­i­nar, FA2014

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  • Critique of the last jeopardy review question
  • #13904

    oluyemi ipadeola

    based on the jeop­ardy game for our re­view ex­er­cise i would like to iden­tify some mis­takes for but jeop­ardy one and two.
    1. some of the an­swers to the ques­tions were in­cor­rect
    2. the ques­tions were not asked cor­rectly
    3. gram­mat­i­cal er­rors.

    For jeop­ardy two i do not see any mis­takes, all the an­swer are cor­rect and their is no ob­ser­va­tion of any gram­mat­i­cal erros



    I found that the jeop­ardy game was a great source of re­view.
    Group A
    – The ques­tions were easy; they didn’t get harder as the points in­creased
    – The ques­tions weren’t very clear, we had to make sense of some of the ques­tions which caused our group to lose points.
    – Some of the an­swers for the ques­tions were in­cor­rect and didn’t match the ques­tion.
    Group B
    -The ques­tions were fair
    – clearly stated
    – No er­rors in an­swers
    ** This game was good for re­view. I can say that we learned from the se­niors and they learned from us. Group A should edit their work be­fore turn­ing it in. Part of me was happy that group A made mis­takes in their as­sign­ment (not be­cause I want the se­niors to fail) but be­cause it made way for us to show what we know and cor­rect them.


    Adrian Valarezzo

    1st Group
    – I think the first group the Ques­tions were easy to fair, some ques­tions where lo­cated in the right spot as to oth­ers were easy.
    – Some ques­tions did progress in dif­fi­culty but like i said some­where posted in the wrong spot some ques­tion were worth 500 when they should have been worth like 200.
    – Not all the ques­tions were eas­ily un­der­stood there were some that we had to read the ques­tions 2,3 times to un­der­stand them.
    – I think the jeop­ardy game was a fun, good re­view tech­nique.
    2nd group
    – Most of the ques­tions were easy, fair, and dif­fi­cult.
    – Most ques­tions did progress in dif­fi­culty al­though to­wards the end i felt that the ques­tion kind of lean to­wards the eas­ier side even in the boxes were they were worth more.
    – Yes the ques­tions were easy to un­der­stand.



    For the first Jeop­ardy game we played in class the ques­tions were easy, fair and dif­fi­cult, I be­lieve the ques­tions did progress in dif­fi­culty. The gram­mar was not writ­ten well. Also some of the an­swers were wrong. Over­all it was not bad but I think they should have reread it and check their mis­takes.
    For the sec­ond Jeop­ardy game I think it was good the ques­tions went from easy to fair. The gram­mar was writ­ten well.



    Group A:
    – Group A ques­tions were fair.
    – No, the ques­tions didn’t progress in dif­fi­culty.
    – The ques­tions weren’t clearly un­der­stood and there were many er­rors.
    – Al­though, it was poorly writ­ten the ques­tions were a great re­view tech­nique.
    Group B:
    – Group B ques­tions were fair.
    – Yes, the ques­tions pro­gressed in dif­fi­culty.
    – The ques­tions were clearly un­der­stood.
    – Over­all, it was a great re­view tech­nique be­cause they didn’t have any mis­takes and they in­cluded im­por­tant ques­tions that was sig­nif­i­cant. Group B’s jeop­ardy game was over­all bet­ter then Group A’s jeop­ardy game.


    Prof. Espinoza

    Thank you all for your in­sight­ful com­ments! I have asked your se­nior class­mates to re­view your com­ments and re­vise their games. I will post the links on the “as­sign­ment” page lo­cated on the course site.


    I was ab­sent for group A, how­ever I did play group B.
    The ques­tions were fair, there were some more dif­fi­cult ones thrown in there which made it bet­ter for re­view­ing in my opin­ion. The ques­tions pro­gressed in dif­fi­culty. The ques­tions didn’t re­ally have any mis­takes and were easy to un­der­stand/com­pre­hend. For me over­all I feel that the idea of play­ing a game like this to re­view is re­ally good. It helped me see how many dif­fer­ent av­enues I had to be study­ing with­out just hav­ing to read page after page. I ap­pre­ci­ated that when it came to the game. Some ques­tions were re­ally re­ally easy but that is the point of the pro­gres­sion of dif­fi­culty so that was fine. I liked this re­view.


    Javonni Johnson

    For group A’s game there were a lot of gram­mat­i­cal er­rors.
    The ques­tions were poorly asked it was con­fus­ing and a lot of the time I found my­self puz­zled try­ing to fig­ure out what I was being asked. Ques­tions were too easy, and some of the an­swers were in­cor­rect. This also had me very con­fused and some ques­tions had more than one pos­si­ble an­swers to it.
    On the other had Group B’s game was great. There were no mis­takes. Ques­tions were asked in a way were I un­der­stood what I was being asked. An­swers were cor­rect. They also had a lit­tle more chal­leng­ing ques­tions that made me see that I had to re­view a lit­tle more.
    Play­ing this game as a method of study­ing was fun as well as a great way of learn­ing and re­touch­ing on areas that I needed work on. Hope­fully Group B can make more games for us.



    For game A ; we iden­ti­fied some gram­mat­i­cal er­rors and ques­tions that were phrased wrong. The ques­tions where fair and within each cat­e­gory there was some dif­fi­culty.For group B ; some ques­tions where dif­fi­cult to un­der­stand, but it was bet­ter than Game A. I think the jeop­ardy game is a great way to re­view for exam be­cause it can helps us iden­ti­fied what we need to pay more at­ten­tion to when we study. This game can chal­lenge our minds and we can find out what we re­ally know.



    Re­gard­ing the Jeop­ardy Court Struc­ture game, I found that as long as one did their read­ings, the ques­tions were fair. The ques­tions in­creased with dif­fi­culty as the fic­ti­tious amounts on each cat­e­gory grew higher in value. The ques­tions were clearly un­der­stood, how­ever, I find that the Jeop­ardy Court Struc­ture game is more ef­fec­tive when done on an in­di­vid­ual basis on the com­puter as op­posed to play­ing the game as part of a group. As one who has played this game both as part of a group and as an in­di­vid­ual at home on the com­puter, I find that I was able to con­cen­trate bet­ter. Play­ing as a group can be­come dis­tract­ing. Both games A and B were very help­ful. My only neg­a­tive crit­i­cism was some of the gram­mar in cer­tain ques­tions where the word “spe­cific” was used in­stead of the word “spec­ify”. In ad­di­tion, the an­swers to two of the ques­tions (one in game A and one in game B) were er­ro­neous. This was of con­cern to me since I con­sider the Jeop­ardy for­mat a valu­able learn­ing and re­view tool and the wrong in­for­ma­tion can cause one to get a wrong an­swer on a quiz or test. Over­all, though, I had fun and was able to re­view ef­fec­tively for my quiz this past Sep­tem­ber 18th.



    I posted this yes­ter­day morn­ing


    Kimberly Garduno

    Over­all, I would say that this jeop­ardy game was a very ef­fec­tive way to study for the test.

    In both games, there were a few flaws:
    1) Some ques­tions were a lit­tle broad and not spe­cific (clear)
    2) Some of the an­swers to the ques­tions were ac­tu­ally in­cor­rect
    3) Only a se­lect few ques­tions did not progress in dif­fi­culty



    Game A seemed to have a few er­rors such as wrong an­swers and gram­mat­i­cal er­rors also most ques­tions were fair but some were eas­ier than oth­ers. Within each cat­e­gory the ques­tions pro­gressed with the most dif­fi­culty was NYS court struc­ture. Some ques­tions weren’t as un­der­stand­able due to the fact that there were not in the cor­rect form. I be­lieve that the Jeop­ardy game was a great way to re­view but I also be­lieve that the cre­ators could have done a bet­ter job if they spent a lit­tle more time going over it after they com­peted mak­ing it.
    Game B seemed to be a bet­ter re­view be­cause there were no mis­takes as far as any gram­mat­i­cal er­rors and also was very un­der­stand­able. The ques­tions were a bit more chal­leng­ing which could be both a good or bad thing. I be­lieve that Group B did a bet­ter job than A, be­cause it seemed to me that they took their time with this pro­ject and made it very un­der­stand­able for us.



    Based on the jeop­ardy game both group A and group B were ef­fec­tive in try­ing to help us pre­pare us for our quiz the other day, al­though there were some minor er­rors here an there but over­all its was fine. The ques­tions from both games were pretty good, and got more in­ter­est­ing as you ad­vance down the list. The ques­tion were clear to un­der­stand , some of the an­swers just didn’t make sense. For me, jeop­ardy doesn’t re­ally help me re­view for cer­tain types of quizzes but it was a good ex­pe­ri­ence over­all. Next time for the se­niors just dou­ble check for er­rors and mis­takes other than that they did a pleasent job in cre­at­ing this.


    Prof. Espinoza

    Thank you all for play­ing Jeop­ardy! Your com­ments were very in­sight­ful and help­ful to the cre­ators. Re­mem­ber that you can use the jeop­ardy web­site to cre­ate your own “game” as re­view of in­for­ma­tion in ANY course. You may also pair up with fel­low class­mates and cre­ate an­other game tem­plate in this course for up­com­ing exams. I wel­come the op­por­tu­nity to play an­other round of Jeop­ardy with you all.

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