Law1103 Civil Law & Procedure

Jonathan Loaiza

Civil Law

Chapter 2


1.To which Court will an appeal from a judgement in Tioga County’s County Court be Take?

New York State Supreme Court 3RD department Appellate Division


2.To Which court will an appeal from a judgement in Nassau County court be taken?


  1. New York State Supreme Court 2th department Appellate Division


4.To which court will an appeal from a judgement in the Bronx County’s Court be taken?

There is no County Court in the Bronx


5.What is the name of The New York Supreme Court?  New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division


6.Look up the names of the main trial courts in other states


Constitutional County Courts-Texas

7.Which Court in New York have trial and appellate jurisdiction? County Court, Civil Court

Appellate term and Appellate div, Court of appeals



Chapter 3


1.There is a law which grants jurisdiction to the N.YC. Civil Court to hear a certain cause of action with a monetary amount up to $25,000. Does any other court have subject matter jurisdiction? why? No, it is not exclusive jurisdiction, only the New York State Supreme Court.


2.Civil Court hears less than $25,000 or County Court.


3.Not in the Civil Court because it exceeds over 25,000 dollars. The Civil Court does not have the power to issue a verdict.


4.No, Supreme Court has general jurisdiction


  1. N.Y.S Supreme Court, Bronx Co Bronx cannot go to the 4th department to appeal a case each section has its own Appellate Division.


6.No, 3rd and 4th only have matter, Appellate term Supreme Court cab hear the White Plain/ Westchester.

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