International Inheritance Laws

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  • Second Post-Kenya
  • #13378

    The working link http:// and provides an image of a skull cave found in the National Museum of Nairobi, Kenya surrounding death. In my own words when I saw the skull caves I felt a cold sensation within my body and I felt a connection of how these inhabitants of Kenya known as the Taitan people felt. I could sense that they took their culture seriously in regards to the human skulls which was a cultural heritage paying homage to the ancestors who came before them. The Kenyan people honored the ancestors with these dead skulls by arranging them in the caves by stacking them in a direction that faced the sun where it set in lines according to their lineage. The caves was a resting place for the former ancestors and so was the site in the cave because it became a religious ceremony and ritual. These caves were in the Taita Hills and they were very sacred, they were so sacred that the Kenyan people had security as well as shelter in these caves. Apart from Shelter if a person was sick they would be isolated and confined to the caves and they were provided with food at the caves. If and when the sick person recovered or survived they would rejoin the religious group in the community. Certain areas of the forest where the case was located was also considered sacred and as a result people were not allowed to carry on any activity in the holy place instead they helped to conserve the forest.
    The named sacred forests known as he Fighi and they served as ground for discipline and instilling fear.
    Cave skulls is a symbol of their cultural heritage as it shows and depicts the mourning and the symbolism of the former ancestors of the Kenyan people and how they were buried and laid to rest at the mouth of the caves.

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