International Inheritance Laws

  • View document Hong Kong  

    Uploaded by Muhokoro on May 12, 2013

    Description: In 1993, the Ping Shan Heritage Trail was established by the Antiquities and Monuments Office-(AMO) with the full support of the Ping Shan Tang Clan. It links various historic buildings, which are located along a convenient walking route. In 2007, the AMO and the Ping Shan Tang Clan collaborated again for the opening of the Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre (the Centre) to introduce local folk culture and heritage along the Trail.<br /> The Centre comprises three galleries:<br /> 1. The Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery displays various relics belonging to the members of the Tang Clan who personally relate their history, customs and cultural life.<br /> 2. The Gallery of Ping Shan Heritage Trail introduces monuments and buildings along the Ping Shan Heritage Trail.<br /> 3. The Community Heritage Gallery presents special thematic exhibition organized by schools or community organizations on the history and culture of Hong Kong, especially the New Territories.<br /> 4. Hang Tau Tsuen, Ping Shan, Yuen Long, New Territories<br /> E-mail:<br /> After viewing some sites like that of culture and heritage museum in Hong Kong, I must herald the fact that they are worth visiting in other to have the feeling of Hong Kong. It is a country full of heritage antiquities and historical artifacts. Below are some great pictures that substantiate this point. <br /> A B C D E F G H I J K L <br /> <br /> DEFINITIONS: (A) Hong Kong National Flag. (B) Hong Kong Heritage Museum. (C) Inside of the Heritage Museum. (D) Shan Tin. (E) Another part of the Inner side of the Heritage museum. (F) Vintage Noah’s Ark (G) Noah’s Ark. (H)Jimmy Hoffa found in Noah’s Ark. (I) Hard Pottery Urn. (J)Yazhang and stone ornament. (K) Prehistory. (L) Stone mound for casting bronze.<br />

  • View document Hong Kong - Ping Shan Heritage Trail  

    Uploaded by Muhokoro on May 12, 2013

    Description: In 1993, the Ping Shan Heritage Trail was established in 1993 by the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) with the full support of the Ping Shan Tang Clan. It links various historic buildings which are located along a convenient walking route. In 2007, the AMO and the Ping Shan Tang Clan collaborated again for the opening of the Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre (the Centre) to introduce local folk culture and heritage along the Trail.<br /> The Centre comprises three galleries:<br /> 1. The Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery displays various relics belonging to the members of the Tang Clan who personally relate their history, customs and cultural life.<br /> 2. The Gallery of Ping Shan Heritage Trail introduces monuments and buildings along the Ping Shan Heritage Trail.<br /> 3. The Community Heritage Gallery presents special thematic exhibition organized by schools or community organizations on the history and culture of Hong Kong, especially the New Territories.<br /> 4. Hang Tau Tsuen, Ping Shan, Yuen Long, New Territories<br /> E-mail:<br />

  • View document China  

    Uploaded by arashid on April 17, 2013

    Description: Assignment: Inheritance Laws in China<br /> <br /> It has only been in the recent past that China has begun to address the issue of modern inheritance and estate planning. In 1985, China adopted a law that gave clarity to the succession of private property known as, Law of Succession of the People’s Republic of China. While China’s law of succession has some similarities to the laws of intestacy in New York; the one thing clearly missing from all 37 articles of the law is the testamentary age of a testator. <br /> There is no requirement that a testator have an attorney to make a will, a notary handles most of the administrative duties of inherited property. However, there is no shortage of Law Firms that will assist in helping people draft a will. One of many such law firms is Yingke Law Firm,, located in Tianjin, China. This law firm, like many others in China, conspicuously notes that it handles inheritance issue for foreigners. This is a big issue since more and more foreigners are acquiring property in China. <br /> There is no probate or surrogate's court, so inheritance disputes are usually resolved in the court that has jurisdiction over the disputed property or the court that has jurisdiction over the place where the decedent lived at the time of death. In accordance with the intestate Succession Law of China, the decedent's spouse, children and parents inherit equal shares of the decedent's property. If none of these individuals survive the decedent, the decedent's brothers, sisters and grandparents will inherit the decedent's property.<br /> Sources:<br /><br /><br /> <br /> Part 2<br /> <br /> My museum art piece is a Tomb figurine featured in the National Museum of China, located in Beijing. It is a figure of a storyteller that dates between 25-220 A.D. from the Han Dynasty. The piece was excavated in 1957 from tomb No. 3, Tianhuishan, Chengdu, Sichuan Province<br /> <br /> In ancient China tomb figures were puppets buried with the dead, usually made of clay, wood or bronze. The images included slaves, dancers and music performers, soldiers, and cattle-drawn carriages, cooking utensils, and domesticated animals. The figures are considered divine objects that protect the tombs. Arguably the most famous Chinese tomb figures are the Terra Cotta Army of the Qin Dynasty.<br /> <br /> I thought the tomb figure I selected represented the deceased as a person who was happy and liked to be entertained because the figure has a big smile and is appearing to be beating a drum and dancing. <br /> <br /><br /> <br />

  • View document Karina Lima  

    Uploaded by Karina on April 17, 2013

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  • View document Senegal  

    Uploaded by Diana on April 16, 2013

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