You are currently viewing a revision titled "Singapore", saved on April 17, 2013 at 6:41 pm by Cindy | |
Title | Singapore |
Content | Singapore
My first introduction to Singapore was an episode of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations on the travel channel. This episode highlighted what Singapore is known for being hot, having great street food (which is especially famous for chicken and rice), enforcing a strict narcotics ban, and legalized prostitution.[1] Albeit the latter reflected some legal aspects of the Singaporean culture, it omitted Inheritance laws. While researching Singapore’s intestacy laws I discovered; who can create a will, what happens when a person does not have a will and lastly their burial rituals.
According to Singapore’s Mental Capacity Act, a person’s testamentary capacity can be determined by the following: Age 21 (unless employed by the military or in a life- threating profession) and having a sound mind and body. There are two circumstances where the Singaporean Mental Capacity Act can be excluded: If a citizen is Muslim or if they reside in a country other than Singapore and their will was created in that country. Muslim citizens would use Faraid, or Muslim Inheritance Law while the individual “domiciled outside Singapore would use that country’s law on testamentary capacity.”[2]
The Islamic laws or Shari'ah Laws, that governs Muslim estate distribution is located in part VII of the Administration of Muslim Law Act, 1966 ('AMLA'). This section indicates that after July 1, 1968, no Muslim resident of Singapore should use a Will or any document stemming from English law to dispose of property, instead Faraid must be utilized.
According to The Law Society of Singapore’s Website, “The majority of Singaporeans have not made any Will.” For those who do have wills, lawyers are not required to create them as long as the testator is at least 21 or falls into the category for the exception.[3] Although lawyers are unnecessary to create wills, it is strongly recommended to hire an attorney since many wills created without them are seen as illegitimate. When a Singaporean dies, their bank accounts and joint accounts become suspended along with all transactions involving their assets. The Singaporean legal system has established The Intestate Succession Act for decedents that pass away without a will. Individuals that expect to receive a gift from the estate of the decedent must nominate an Administrator(s) to be chosen by the court. The deceased’s assets can only be transferred after the court provides a Letter of Administration, hiring an attorney is recommended for this procedure. When comparing The Intestate Succession Act compared to New York State laws of Intestacy, since both laws are based mainly on English law, I have found many similarities. Some similarities are if the person dies intestate with the following surviving them:
[2] Faraid or Muslim Inheritance Law, The Law Society of Singapore’s Website (March 11, 2013 8:40PM),
[3] Making a Will, The Law Society of Singapore’s Website (March 11, 2013 8:14 PM),
[4] Faraid or Muslim Inheritance Law, The Law Society of Singapore’s Website (March 11, 2013 8:40PM),
[5] Loh Eben Ong & Partners' Probate Practice Group, Probate and Administration of Estates, Loh Eben Ong & Partners' Probate Practice Group Website (April 13, 2013, 11:25 PM),
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