Laws concerning inheritance can be found in Part III of the Russian Civil code. The basic statutes dealing with inheritances are listed in Chapters 61 through 63. One of the key purposes of Russia’s laws on inheritance is the well being of those who are not capable of self sustaining; such as someone who is disabled. Disputes dealing with inheritance are heard by the Russian Court of General Jurisdiction. Generally speaking, court proceedings must be filed in the deceased last known place of residence. If there is no dispute the local notary public issues a inheritance certificate to those who have the right to inherit.
In order to make a will in Russia, one must be 18 years of age or older. One difference in Russian laws of intestacy is that if there is no dispute to a will the local notary public issues what an inheritance certificate. In New York notary publics only notarize documents. Another difference is that in Russia, disabled heirs (child or parent) of the deceased must inherit one half of the deceased estate.