International Inheritance Laws

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Assignment", saved on February 28, 2013 at 12:24 pm by Mary Sue Donsky



      This assignment addresses the discipline-specific student learning objectives of researching and analyzing primary authority applicable to inheritance laws. It allows students to reinforce their knowledge of New York law by comparing it to the laws of another jurisdiction. In addition it allows students to practice their use of discipline-specific (“Bluebook”) citation form.     This assignment also addresses general education student learning outcomes including developing and using the tools needed for written, oral and visual communication, using the arts as a forum for the study of values, gathering interpreting, evaluating and applying information from a variety of sources, and demonstrating expanded cultural and global awareness and sensitivity.    Each student receives a different country to research.  I chose countries representing the homelands of former students.  Ultimately, we will create a blog describing inheritance laws and museum pieces from forty two countries.    
  1. 1.       Acquire an account in City Tech’s Open Lab and join our Group,  “ International Inheritance Laws” by March 20. (20 points if timely)
  Determine the country you will be researching according to the list below.  
  1. 2.      Part One – Your First Post to the Blog is due by midnight on April 17 (40 points if timely)
NOTE: I plan to make our blog open to the public once we have a look at it, so if you do not wish your name to appear, let me know via email and I will remove your name from your work, no problem.     Research the inheritance laws of your country.  Prepare a one-page (minimum) essay in which you answer the following questions:  
  1. a.       May the inhabitants of your country make wills?  If so, what is the age of testamentary capacity in your country?
  2. b.      Must testators hire an attorney to make a will in your country?  Can you find the website of an estates, trusts and wills (aka “probate”) attorney practicing in your country?  Describe it and provide a working link.
  3. c.      What are the intestacy laws of your country?  How do they differ from New York laws?
Be sure to write the essay in your own words. Use quotation marks if you use someone else’s words. Make sure to cite to all of your sources in Bluebook form. Please see me if you are struggling after performing at least two hours of research. I will help you.     
  1. 3.      Part Two –  Your Second Post to the Blog is due by midnight on May 15 (40 points)
Visit websites of museums located in your country.  Add a second one paragraph (minimum) essay to your first post.  In your essay:
  1.   Provide a working link to an image of an object from one of the museums in your country.  The object should be related to the rituals surrounding death, burial , mourning or commemorating decedents in your country.
  2. Describe the object in your own words.  Also describe your reaction to the object.
You might look for images of gravegoods, urns, sarcophoghi,  reliquaries, ancestor figures, grave markers, or even statues or paintings of beloved decedents.  
  1. 4.      Be prepared to offer a two minute synopsis of your research in an oral presentation to the class on May 15 (if time permits).
  1. 5.      You essays will be assessed via a City Tech-designed writing assessment rubric that I will distribute and discuss in class.  Your grade on this assignment will carry the same weight as a quiz.
      Country - Student Albania - Bond Bangladesh – Brooks Barbados - Campbell Brazil - Hazelton Columbia - Joyner Dominican Republic - Labinjo Ecuador - Lima Egypt - Madison Germany - McKenna Greece - Meneses Grenada - Morales Guatemala - Morgan Guyana - Morrisey Haiti - Nicaj Hong Kong - Okoroha India - Petropoulos Iran - Pitt Japan - Primo South Korea - Rios Mexico - Rodriguez Nepal - Smart Pakistan - Smart Panama - Torres Philippines - Ware Poland - Watson Russia - Wright Senegal - Bisono Singapore - Bradshaw Trinidad - Cherry Ukraine - Eugene Ghana - Hack Saudi Arabia - Karneyeu Liberia - Lee Jamaica - Louis Malaysia - Marletta Taiwan - McClean Vietnam - Morgan Nigeria - Morris Kenya - Pantaleon China - Rashid Ireland – Smith Hungary - Iasia        

Old New Date Created Author Actions
February 28, 2013 at 5:24 pm Mary Sue Donsky