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  • Brooklyn bridge cafe
  • #45276

    Courtney Sivillo

    Be­fore vis­it­ing this cafe, I did not know any­thing about. I’ve seen it be­fore from look­ing out­side the school win­dows, but never ac­tu­ally vis­ited it be­cause I usu­ally re­search places be­fore I go in and for some rea­son this restau­rant just does not show up much on the in­ter­net. They do have a Face­book page, but it hasn’t had even on that page the last post was in July. I never see any­one in the restau­rant, so I never knew it was ac­tu­ally opened for busi­ness. For the area though, I think it’s a per­fect lo­ca­tion be­cause of the courts and the schools. How­ever, it is on the cor­ner at the very end of the bridge, which could ex­plain why peo­ple don’t pass by there much. I think it pos­si­bly had curb­side de­liv­ery since there’s a lot of car traf­fic, then maybe it would be a lit­tle busier. Also, if it gave out coupons or fly­ers to the col­lege or local news­pa­per, then more peo­ple would hear about it and spread the word about the restau­rant.

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