Films from Literature ENG 2400, Fall 2021 OL 0550

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  • 9/17 Sexual Symbolism video questions
  • #74905

    Prof. Masiello

    Please watch the video on sexual symbolism, called “Sexual Symbolism.avi”:

    1) Prior to this video, can you remember watching any movie in which you sensed there was something being used as a sexual symbol? Please name the film and the object(s).

    1a) Do you think writers also use such symbolism or is it for films because they are a visual medium?

    2) Do you think that all such symbols are deliberate, or might there be times when a viewer can somehow see some extra meaning that was not intended by the filmmaker?

    Please name a film and an object that might qualify as unintended symbolism and it certainly may be something
    from the video we watched. I once watched a film in a theater and there was an accidental shadow on screen of a microphone that looked almost obscene and caused unintentional laughs.

    3) Why do you think filmmakers may use sexual symbols?

    4) Was there any scene in the video compilation that you enjoyed or disliked? Please explain



    1) Prior to this video, can you remember watching any movie in which you sensed there was something being used as a sexual symbol? Please name the film and the object(s).

    In Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002), there’s a scene where Dr. Evil is pulling a satellite that looks exactly like a women’s chest. So that whole scene is where people look up at the sky and say, “woah that’s a big pair of–” and they get caught off to other people finishing the sentence with other ways to say boobs. So melons, etc.

    1a) Do you think writers also use such symbolism or is it for films because they are a visual medium?

    I think writers use such symbolism to make sure the viewers are still paying attention. It’s common that people will perk up or react when there’s something exciting happening (in this case, sexual things). A lot of writers don’t want to be so direct and all out (besides censorship reasons), and would rather have viewers figure it out for themselves without it feeling quizzical. But nonetheless, I find that symbolism in its repetition is exciting, and people actively work to keep finding the references.

    2) Do you think that all such symbols are deliberate, or might there be times when a viewer can somehow see some extra meaning that was not intended by the filmmaker?

    Both! But I do find that viewers love to see more than what is being presented to them. We like to think some things are unintentional symbolism when its repeated but not necessarily focused on, or paid attention to. For example, in the entire Harry Potter franchise, Harry’s owl, Hedwig, is in every movie. He represents this constant comfort for Harry, as you will always see Harry petting him when he’s either stressed, upset, or lonely. Hedwig is a consistent thing in Harry’s life. Even if Hedwig was simply meant to be his pet, the fact they always put him in a scene somewhere in every movie must mean he’s important to some extent.

    3) Why do you think filmmakers may use sexual symbols?

    Filmmakers probably use sexual symbols for entertainment reasons. Parents have to take their kids to watch movies, so filmmakers add adult humor subtly in children’s movies so the adults are somewhat entertained. Like in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006), the scene of the kraken screaming at Jack Sparrow may seem gross to the kids, but the adults see it in a completely different way. There’s an enjoyment in subtlety.

    4) Was there any scene in the video compilation that you enjoyed or disliked? Please explain

    I enjoyed the Magic Mike scene. So in Magic Mike (2012), it switches the roles. So rather than women being the stage performers for men, it’s men being performers for women. I don’t see that gender role switch very often.


    Angel Rivera

    1) Prior to this video, can you remember watching any movie in which you sensed there was something being used as a sexual symbol? Please name the film and the object(s).

    There was an episode of Tom & Jerry I’ve watched a few years ago. Jerry was licking cream from a cannoli that Tom was holding, and Tom blew into the cannoli, covering Jerry in the cream.

    1a) Do you think writers also use such symbolism or is it for films because they are a visual medium?

    I believe writers use symbolism. For example in Chapter 14 of Lolita, instead of writing that Humbert has climaxed during his interactions with Lo, he writes “The conjurer had poured milk, molasses, foaming champagne into a young lady’s new white purse; and Lo, the purse was intact.”

    2) Do you think that all such symbols are deliberate, or might there be times when a viewer can somehow see some extra meaning that was not intended by the filmmaker?

    Since films are viewed by viewers of different demographics, its possible for people to interpret certain scenes differently. When I was in middle school, me and one of my family members was watching Ed Edd & Eddy after school and he joked about how the characters are obsessed with the jaw breakers, and the size of the jaw breakers.

    3) Why do you think filmmakers may use sexual symbols?

    I believe filmmakers may use sexual symbols as a form of censorship, especially if it’s aired on television. It may also be used as a hidden message for the viewer to interpret.

    4) Was there any scene in the video compilation that you enjoyed or disliked? Please explain

    I enjoyed the scene that included the Fountainhead. I thought it was interesting that a filmmaker could use items that wouldn’t ordinarily be perceived as a sex symbol, such as a building or a drill used for construction.


    Prof. Masiello


    Yes, in children’s movies there may be certain imagery that is there for the entertainment of the adults in the audience.

    I think, though, the Magic Mikescene is not just about the role reversal, male strippers, than it is about the innuendo about the “erect” umbrellas.


    Prof. Masiello


    I will soon send to the class a shortlist of other sexual symbols used in the novel Lolita.

    I’d have to try to find the Tom and Jerry cannoli scene to see if it is sexual. My first impression is that it is a variation of the old pie-in-the-face type of scene in old comedies, like The Three Stooges. I never thought of them as sexual before, just silly.


    weipeng lin

    1) Prior to this video, can you remember watching any movie in which you sensed there was something being used as a sexual symbol? Please name the film and the object(s).

    In the movie Blocker (2018), there was a scene where Lisa, Mitchell, and Hunter were reading their daughter’s text messages that used emojis to represent something sexual and trying to figure out what was happening. They were emojis that represents something inappropriate. Well, what was used were sex emojis that are eggplants and hand emojis that means sex.

    1a) Do you think writers also use such symbolism or is it for films because they are a visual medium?

    I I believe that writers use symbolism to entertain the audience by adding sexual parts/themes. In other words, to attract the reader’s attention based on what is happening or going to happen. Well, most of the time audience/viewer will either skip the boring parts and go straight for the exciting part of the scene because that’s what the viewer wants.

    2) Do you think that all such symbols are deliberate, or might there be times when a viewer can somehow see some extra meaning that was not intended by the filmmaker?

    Well, I think that such symbols can be both planned and not intended. Sometimes the viewer/audience can miss out on the point of what’s the meaning behind the scene. And sometimes the audience can view it differently and mistakingly understand the whole purpose/meaning behind it. Back in the day, I remember when watching The Walking Dead (2019) I didn’t understand why certain characters had to die because they were doing so well. I don’t get why Glenn’s role was sacrificed. Negan ended Glenn by bashing his head multiple times with a bat.

    3) Why do you think filmmakers may use sexual symbols?

    Filmmakers may use sexual symbols to entertain older people but aren’t suitable for certain people that are underaged. For example, when buying certain films/CDs on the back there should be some information telling you that it’s either for adults or the word “PG-13” to warn you that some materials may be inappropriate for children under 13.

    4) Was there any scene in the video compilation that you enjoyed or disliked? Please explain

    In the beginning, I believe it’s a commercial where they were talking about hotdogs, and what they said has a sexual meaning behind it. I enjoyed that part because it made me laugh so hard based on what was said among them.


    Shania Tennant

    1a. In the film Cars, the main character Lightning McQueen is “flashed” by two of his fan ladies, causing him to become flustered while police cars led them away from him.

    1b. Due to censorship, sex is frequently hidden in literature and films, therefore writers utilize symbols to achieve that effect and find alternative ways to convey the message. I believe they are included in children’s films for the benefit of the parents, so they can get a chuckle out of it. In Aladdin, for example, an earthquake occurs at his and Jasmine’s wedding, prompting the genie to remark, “I thought the earth wasn’t meant to shake until the honeymoon.” Children might not understand, but adult audiences would.

    2. When it comes to incorporating symbols into films or literature, I believe the writers know what they’re doing. It’s up to the audience whether or not they notice. Younger audiences may not comprehend the humor, whereas older audiences would either get it right away or think about it later. People who watch the movie more than once may notice things they missed the first time around. For example, I was 15 when I first saw Frozen in 2015, and I didn’t catch the joke where Kristoff inquired about Anna’s fiancee’s foot size, to which Anna replied, “foot size doesn’t matter.” However, when I re-watched it at the age of 21, I immediately recognized it.

    3. I believe that film writers use sexual symbols for entertainment, not only for themselves but also for the older people who will be watching the films. For example, when it comes to children’s films, the parents may not be interested in the film, but adding sexual innuendos may pique their interest and give it an “oh wow” factor.

    4. I liked the part in Every Which Way But Loose where the gentleman went to get the cantaloupe, but when a car passed by and honked, he paused for a while and complimented them, to which the woman smiled and said thank you.


    Justin Alava

    1) Prior to this video, can you remember watching any movie in which you sensed there was something being used as a sexual symbol? Please name the film and the object.
    I would say the movie “fifty shades of grey”. I would say the symbol would be the actors because they were acting in scenes where they had to be submissive to one another.
    1a) Do you think writers also use such symbolism or is it for films because they are a visual medium?
    The purpose of this type of symbolism in film is that it must aid in helping you articulate certain key ideas in your screenplay. That being said, it is important that the symbolism used remains subtle but also noticeable enough that your audience understands what you are doing.
    2) Do you think that all such symbols are deliberate, or might there be times when a viewer can somehow see some extra meaning that was not intended by the filmmaker?
    I feel like it’s both because there’s people that see things in a whole different way and everyone sees it in a different perspective.
    3) Why do you think filmmakers may use sexual symbols?
    I would say to give the movie a different type of vibe. Or they’re trying to portray things that could be done but you only see in movies. It’s also for entertainment, for the people watching the movie and for the people in the background.
    4) Was there any scene in the video compilation that you enjoyed or disliked? Please explain
    I enjoyed the magic mike scene because it’s switching the roles. You don’t usually see men performing on stage to dance for the females.


    Prof. Masiello

    You always respond, WeiPeng, and that is what all students should do.

    However, what you said about characters dying in The Walking Deadis unrelated to sexual symbolism.


    Prof. Masiello

    Terrific answers, Shania.



    Prof. Masiello

    Hello, Justin.

    I am not sure you are grasping the concept of a symbol. A symbolis an object that also represents something else, likean eagle being a great bird that also represents the USA, or a Star of David being an object (a star or a piece of star-shaped jewelry) and also a symbol of Judaism, and of the Jewish people.

    The Magic Mike men are literally male strippers. The umbrellas they held were the symbols of erections to entertain the female audience in the film.

    In Fifty Shades of Grey, the characters are not really symbols unless you mean he symbolizes sadism and she represents masochism, but I don’t think so. Anyway, you saw several symbols in the presentation: tall buildings, cigars, guns, and so forth.


    Tatiana B.

    1) Prior to this video, can you remember watching any movie in which you sensed there was something being used as a sexual symbol? Please name the film and the object(s).

    Prior to watching Sexual Symbolism video, I did not give much thought to sexual symbolism in cinematic movies until now. In retrospect especially in the movie American Pie 1999 I now realize that the pie signified the quest of losing one’s virginity. I assume because I was much younger when the film came out I clearly did not realize the significance of the pie.

    1a) Do you think writers also use such symbolism or is it for films because they are a visual medium?

    I believe visual mediums are used for enjoyment purposes and allows the viewer’s mind to wonder without explicitly stating the idea or the use of the object. Most times writers are subject to censorship and are unable to show anything sexual in nature and may only be able to refer to this indirectly. We see this in Superman1978 where phallic crystals appear to be the source of Superman’s masculinity and power.

    2) Do you think that all such symbols are deliberate, or might there be times when a viewer can somehow see some extra meaning that was not intended by the filmmaker?
    Please name a film and an object that might qualify as unintended symbolism and it certainly may be something from the video we watched. I once watched a film in a theater and there was an accidental shadow on screen of a microphone that looked almost obscene and caused laughs.

    At times I do find most sex symbols to be deliberate. I also feel that it depends on the type of film. I initially thought the scene from Alien 1979 did not depict a woman’s genitalia but then I realized it was for the viewer to interpret. I also never realized the gun within the ship resembled that of a male’s genitalia. Then it made sense that the Alien of the ship was a woman and even the inner parts of the ship resembled that of a womb especially where it appears as if the fertilized eggs are hatching. I do not feel this was accidental, this may have been with purpose to emphasize the nature of the Alien.

    3) Why do you think filmmakers may use sexual symbols?
    The most obvious reason many filmmakers may use sexual symbols is largely due to censorship. Many filmmakers look for ways to express intimate scenes or in funny movies it may be used to express how a character is feeling towards another character.

    4) Was there any scene in the video compilation that you enjoyed or disliked? Please explain

    I enjoyed the scene where King Kong 1933 where he is swinging the tree trunk back and forth with the people on them. I found this to be hilarious when it was noted that the use of these phallic symbols are meant to show King Kong’s sexual frustrations. I disliked the scene of Pirate of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 2006 solely due to the fact that is supposed to be a family movie and scenes such as those should be avoided especially after realizing the depiction of sexual symbolism.


    Prof. Masiello

    Very interesting comments, Tatiana.


    Asif Khan

    1) Prior to this video, can you remember watching any movie in which you sensed there was something being used as a sexual symbol? Please name the film and the object(s).
    I remember watching Aladdin (1993) with my family in July. There was a line that I remembered being sexual. I went back today and the Genie says that the Earth shouldn’t shake until the honeymoon. I remember laughing when the movie was on. The object was the earthquake.

    1a) Do you think writers also use such symbolism or is it for films because they are a visual medium?
    Writers can also use sexual symbols. They must work harder to make it seem so, though. A writer can make anything into a sex symbols, books are just movies but without picture, only subtitles.

    2) Do you think that all such symbols are deliberate, or might there be times when a viewer can somehow see some extra meaning that was not intended by the filmmaker?
    No. Some symbols are deliberately place to enhance the scene. Often though, they can be there and not noticed until after the movie has been released. There are always mistakes in movies after release, so there can be some things that the public spots as symbols, as sometimes they can be subjective.

    Please name a film and an object that might qualify as unintended symbolism and it certainly may be something
    from the video we watched. I once watched a film in a theater and there was an accidental shadow on screen of a microphone that looked almost obscene and caused unintentional laughs.
    There were some scenes in iCarly where the teens were forced to do weird things. When Sam Puckett opened a booth for $1 kisses to woo her crush, a boy asked what he can get for a dollar, and she said she’d spit on him. This seemed strange my whole life, whenever I saw the episode. Recently, on Twitter, on a thread of how weird Dan Schnider is, people pointed it out and I realized that knowing how Schnider is how he is, it can be a symbol.

    3) Why do you think filmmakers may use sexual symbols?
    They enhance the situation, provide more heat. It can also be viewed as comical.

    4) Was there any scene in the video compilation that you enjoyed or disliked? Please explain
    The homophobic hot dogs cracked me up. It’s just a hot dog, but people made it into just meat dvds or any shapes. It’s just funny how conscious people were back then.


    Prof. Masiello

    Hello, Asif,

    The homophobic hotdogs scene was from the Conan O’Brien TV show and was meant to be funny. Mostly all my clips are from motion pictures.

    (I am unfamiliar with iCarly and Dan Schnider so I cannot comment on the symbolism you referred to–if it was symbolism.)

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