Films from Literature ENG 2400, Fall 2021 OL 0550

You are currently viewing a revision titled "9/24 Week Four the 1962 film, Lolita", saved on September 23, 2021 at 3:54 pm by Prof. Masiello
9/24 Week Four the 1962 film, Lolita
The video for Sept. 24 -- Oct. 1 is the first version of Lolita: Please do the following in the sequence below: After finishing the novel (due today) each student will email me for the novel’s quiz. The quiz is on the novel and should be taken before seeing the film versions. That is the way it would be in a real classroom. Before watching the film that is linked above, please go to the Docs document about essay 1, a compare and contrast on the novel and both films. Reading what the essay will be about will help you watch for a purpose, aside from enjoying the movie. We are watching the 1997 version next week and the essay is due in two weeks. Remember, previous messages have explained that this is the most challenging assignment of the whole semester. That’s why you have been given weeks to read the book. The first difference you will notice is how the movie begins, essentially at the end. Why do you think Kubrick decided to do this? While watching the 1962 film, start thinking about what strikes you as worth including in your essay and you may do a rough draft--to be finished off after viewing the third component, the newer film, In other words, start comparing the novel and the older film after you watch it. Then it will be easier to “plug in” what you will want to say about the 1997 film. I will post something easy to reply to about one scene. Weeks from now: you will email me the finished essay, not post it on OpenLab. And do not forget the quiz!

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September 23, 2021 at 7:54 pm Prof. Masiello