Films from Literature ENG 2400, Fall 2021 OL 0550

You are currently viewing a revision titled "First Class Fall 2021", saved on August 26, 2021 at 4:49 pm by Prof. Masiello
First Class Fall 2021
  Friday's class starts at 11:30 am sharp. After you take an easy quiz on certain literary and cinematic terms and we talk a bit, there is time to watch a 105 minute presentation, "First Class 2021": However, since I want you to enjoy it at your own pace, you will watch it on your own on your computer. Afterwards, please respond to these questions by posting them in the Discussion folder (by replying to the post from me called "first class prsentation questions") 1) Please write down at least three things that you liked about the video. 2) Please explain at least three things you feel you learned or never thought about before. Please note: When you name a film, you are supposed to either underline it or italicize its title, but OpenLab may not allow that. (Save that kind of academic punctuation for your essays.) 3)  Please ask at least one question--and as many as you wish--about the content of the presentation. You should complete these easy questions before the next class, preferably right after you finish the video. PLEASE NOTE: WE WILL NOT MEET AGAIN UNTIL SEPT. 10 By Sept. 10 you should have read at least 1/2 of the novel Lolita, preferably more, which we will discuss then. See the syllabus for when there will be a quiz on the entire book. Lolita is also the basis for your first essay, which will not be due until we watch both film versions.

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August 26, 2021 at 8:49 pm Prof. Masiello