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You are currently viewing a revision titled "peer review personal narrative", saved on May 23, 2016 at 1:07 pm by Najja Hennix
peer review personal narrative
Najja Hennix                                                                                           March 01, 2016 English 1121                                                                                          Professor: Guthrie     Pair reviews   Opening: Good, she started with a good quote and I really like her comparive of maasterpieces   Thesis: Clear with her three subtopic included   Subtoopic: She strongly decribed he first sub-topic her other two were much weaker   Subtopic Paragraphs: He first subtopic had 5 paragraphs, which is a lot of details, which is great, but did not leave a lot of room for her other two sub topic. She should edit that and evenly divide details.   Transition Terms: There was not much use of transition term but the paper did flow well without them. She still should include one or two   Grammar: He grammar was pretty good not to many mistakes. She did have a few times where her wording was not clear. She needs to fix that.   Conclusion: great conclusion really tied everything together nicely.

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May 23, 2016 at 5:07 pm Najja Hennix