- Opener
- Uses quote and has an attention getter
- Thesis 3 sub topics
- There are all 3 sub topics for each paragraph.
- Thesis is strong and clear.
- It’s easy to know what the essay is going to be about.
- Paragraphs for subtopics and topic sentence for each
- Each paragraph mentions the sub topic in the first sentence making it easy to know what each paragraph is going to be about.
- Transitional words/phrases
- Smooth transitions into the next paragraph.
- Easily connecting the paragraphs onto the conclusion.
- References
- A quote is used in the introduction to grab the reader’s attention
- Grammar and conventions
- Grammar is good but could maybe spice it up with a few challenging words
- Conclusion
- Conclusion is clear and it mentions all three sub topics and main topic.
- It’s easily transitioned from the third body paragraph.