English 1101-0384

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  • “Walk on By”/”Lone Ranger"
  • #68536

    Brianna Lewis

    In the article, “Just Walk on By” by Brent Staples, he discusses the fear of being discriminated and racial profiled in his daily life. Staples speaks on several experiences him and other black men have faced because of the color of their skin. Whether it was from strangers, people they work with, police officers, etc. He puts an emphasis on the fear of begin falsely accused by everyday people, never knowing if they will make it home because of these accusations. Racial profiling continues to put fear into black men and women, targeting a person based on assumed characteristics or behavior that they truly don’t fit.

    In the article, “The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven” by Sherman Alexie, the author describes different racial involved incidents from various Native Americans. He captures the experience of a Native American who leaves the reservation to live in Seattle. The narrator recalls incidents of being suspected by the police and strangers simply for being a Native person walking around in a nicer area. Alexie gives readers an insight to the struggles of Native Americans to live in a world that is bitter to their way of survival.

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