English 1101-0384

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  • Introduction + Response to Article 7
  • #67676

    Jason Birchfield

    Hello, my name is Jason Birchfield and I have just graduated from high school, so this is my first year in College. My chosen major at the moment is Radiological Technology and Medical Imaging, but it could very well change in the future. At the moment, I am interested to see how the online courses will compare to physical in-person learning. I am starting to enjoy the inherent freedom that comes with online learning, but it’s obvious that there’s more importance placed upon responsibility. Therefore, I think it’s important to follow the tips given for online learning success. For me, the most important of the ten tips would be number four. Since I am a shy person, I rarely speak up when I’m not with friends. This can be potentially detrimental because it could impact grading based on participation. So, to try and correct this, I will attempt to jump into class discussions that I can add to.

    The most interesting article that stuck out the most in relation to modern-day events was Article 7. This article states that “All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.” Since there have been widespread protests around the world in the prevention of unlawful killings and arrests, it’s obvious that Article 7 should be enforced more now than ever.

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