ENG1141-D310 Intro to Creative Writing, SP2024

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  • Discussion Board 3: Story Starters
  • #93233


    Detective inspector Stacy ducked to avoid the branches. Where was Jerry? She expected him to be here when she arrived. She looked around with an increasing suspicion that this was a set up. “I should’ve told someone where I was going. This is what comes with trying to be the “good cop”” she muttered. As she walked down the dark alleyway, she felt a cold breeze pass by her shoulder. She spun around but before she could let out a scream, it all went black.

    Detective inspector Stacy woke up dazed in an eerie room. The smell of monomer met her nose the second she gained consciousness. “Where am I” she thought to herself. The blindfold on her eyes was secured tight to make sure she had no hint of where she could possibly be, after all she is a detective. Her head felt too heavy to carry, the darkness was spinning. As she struggled to keep her head up, she heard heavy footsteps approaching her from the left hand side of the room. Her heart was pounding as the footsteps got closer and closer, eventually reaching a stop. After a slight pause in his steps, he ripped off her blindfold to which she was greeted by a blinding light. Once her eyes adjusted to the change, she realized it was not a him, rather it was a frail girl. A girl she had seen before, a girl she knows well – her sister.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Ayesha.
    • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Ayesha.


    This last post by Daniel is in third person. The story was very interesting and suspenseful, I thought Allie would have been betraying him. My question is who is Allie and why/how was her testimony powerful enough to bring down a mafia?

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Ayesha.

    Erick C

    Detective Inspector Linda cautiously made her way through the forest, puzzled by Bobby’s absence. She’d expected him to be there. The trees whispered secrets as she ventured deeper, her flashlight flickering in the dimming light. Suddenly, a noise rustled in the bushes, but it wasn’t an attacker—just a single white feather floating down. Perplexed, Linda pressed forward, discovering a clearing with a weathered stone altar covered in strange symbols. A voice whispered, “You shouldn’t be here, Detective,” sending shivers down her spine.

    With her weapon drawn, Linda prepared to uncover the hidden truths lurking in the shadows. As she approached the altar, an eerie sensation filled the air, and shadows danced ominously. Despite her fear, Linda persisted, determined to unravel the mystery. Yet, little did she know, the secrets she sought would lead her into a perilous journey she never could have anticipated.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Erick C.

    Erick C

    The last post was by Ayesha and the story was in third person. Were her and her sister close and this caught her off guard ? or were they always on bad terms and her sister decided to finally do something ?



    What happened at that area?



    reply to cmich77

    The story is in third person.

    why was there a bullet shot in the air towards the end, was it to alarm people of the fire or something else ?



    Detective Inspector Reginald ducked to avoid the branches. Where was T-Bone? She expected him to be here when she arrived. As she pushed through the door, her mind raced with possibilities. Had he found a clue and ventured deeper into the forest? Or worse, Is he dead? She hurried her pace, calling out his name into the stillness of the woods, her heart pounding with concern. Whatever awaited her on this path, she was determined to find T-Bone and solve the mystery that may lay ahead.

    She was walking slowly deeper into the forest. The more twigs and sticks she steps on the more safer she felt. The wind blowing into her ear feel like whispers, like cries for help. She knew she was to far in to turn around so she started sprinting deeper in the forest. The whispers turned into slow cries and then “BAM.”



    The last post was by Eric and his story is in third person. A question I have is what was told that made detective expect him to be there? What was the context?



    Detective Inspector Gadget ducked to avoid the branches where was Dr. Mitch she expected him to be there did he get caught? She thought she looked down at the open wounds across her arms legs and torso. If Dr. Mitchell didn’t get there soon she wouldn’t make it she paced back-and-forth counting the minutes that passed it felt like forever. She became paranoid, thinking that she would be found by staying in the same spot, and decided to walk around the area. she looked up at the light peering through the tall trees and began to feel woozy, she heard the birds singing sweet songs in the distance and decided to walk in that direction. Although she was in a rush, she couldn’t help but Stop to admire the beautiful scenery It was so captivating. She found an opening in the trees, the orange, and the yellows from the sun shone down on the perfect patch of dead grass, she sat down and let the sun beam on her face. mitch will find her, She thought she slowly leaned back and put her hands in the dirt she closed her eyes but still saw the bright light from the sun, Peering through her eyelids, she felt herself begin to lose too much blood to sit up so she decided to fully lay down, thinking it would help the pain. She took a deep inhale and felt one with her surroundings more time passed, and the perfect patch of grass was now covered in blood her damages were beyond repair. The detective realized Mitch wasn’t coming but was too weak to utter a sound,to crawl as the birds kept singing she became one with her surroundings.




    Detective Inspector Lyn ducked to avoid the branches. Where was Hassy? She expected him to be here when she arrived. The forest seemed to close in around her, and her pulse quickened with each step. Just as she was about to call out again, a voice whispered from the shadows behind her, “Looking for someone, Detective?” Lyn spun around to find herself face to face with a hooded figure, their features obscured by darkness. “Who are you?” she demanded, her hand reflexively reaching for her weapon. The figure stepped forward, a glint of amusement in their eyes “I’m here to offer you a deal,” they said cryptically. With a mixture of suspicion and intrigue, Lyn hesitated unsure of whether to trust this unexpected ally or to continue her search alone. But as the tension hung heavy in the air, she knew that whatever choice she made would lead her deeper into the heart of a mystery she was determined to solve

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Ayman.


    This question is for Sophia. How did the inspector get injured?


    Cortes Edward

    You get out of the subway at the stop near your house. You step out of the station, but that is when you realize the street you live on is no longer there. Dilapidated buildings, destroyed cars, and the smell of still burning fires welcome you instead. The sting of burnt plastic and fuel hits your nose resulting in a flurry of blurred vision and dizziness.
    You think to yourself. “How far in the future did I jump this time?” Raising your dusty red scarf to your face. You cough lightly while pulling your goggles over your eyes with the both hands. You see your reflection in the wreckage of a nearby drone. The ash is already covering your head in a flurry of salt and pepper-colored particles. You hear the pang of a glass bottle being kicked in a near by building. You slowly enter the building as you power up your gloves.


    Cortes Edward

    Hello Ayman, I really enjoyed reading your submission. It had great fluidity, feels like you have done this before ! I believe that this was written in the third person past tense. My question for you would be what kind of person is Detective Lynn? would she take the help from someone she doesnt trust or know yet  ?


    Cortes Edward

    Hey Daniel, I found it funny for the name you chose . it reminded me of a very old movie called Dick Tracy. great film. I liked your story and think it was written in the past tense and the third person . My question for you would be did you draw from any real-life experiences, are you a secret detective?



    <p dir=”ltr” style=”line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;”><span style=”font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;”>The rumors started when Daisy left. Nobody had thought she had gone willingly. Hi, I’m Detective Stabler and this is the case that I never wish I had taken. It started like many do when I was roaming through the mean streets of NYC on the hunt for a place to eat. The night is dark as rain pelts me through my overcoat. I don’t often take on cases like this but I have a soft spot for young damsels. Being too deep into this life to stop anytime soon.</span></p>
    <b id=”docs-internal-guid-18e346ef-7fff-84b9-0ed3-f800b4b75eff” style=”font-weight: normal;”> </b>
    <p dir=”ltr” style=”line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;”><span style=”font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;”>I was dashing through the ware house bullets zipping over head daisy ducctaped the the rolly chair bleeding from her gut. I need to get out of here now when all of a sudden i hear the sirens of cop cars . </span></p>
    <p dir=”ltr” style=”line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;”><span style=”font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;”>I look at hoid waiting for him to sit down before i say “ i newver wanted to kill him” he looks at me with distrust in his eyes</span></p>
    <p dir=”ltr” style=”line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;”><span style=”font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;”> She walked over to my house seemingly unaware of eyes watching you. After knocking on door . I quickly pulled her inside before redoing all the locks. I asked if she had been followed looking bewildered and confused wondering whats going on. She asked who was following her. Dammit why did she have to rope me into this i think. How could she not know about the insurgents. Its been all over the news. </span></p>

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