ENG1141-D310 Intro to Creative Writing, SP2024

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  • Discussion Board 2: Free Verse (and Line Breaks)
  • #92708

    Cortes Edward

    Title:  Once, I waited.


    I waited

    way too long to confess

    my love.


    A possible relationSHIP

    set sail towards the horizon,

    beyond my grasp.



    title: nerves

    I didn’t man up and talk to my mother

    maybe all because I still struggle with poor thoughts

    wanting to spill my guts, but never did



    Unfulfilled Dreams
    “It’s for the best,” they told me,

    “We want the best for you.”

    “We know what’s best for you.”

    So, I kept my mouth shut.

    I buried my opinions, my hopes, my dreams under lock and key,

    Because at times my life, my choices, were not mines at all,

    It was theirs.

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