ENG1141-D310 Intro to Creative Writing, SP2024

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  • Discussion Board 1: Character Sketch
  • #92347


    On my way home from work on Wednesday i saw this man he was sitting at a bus stop he looked as if he was African American, he was injecting himself with something it was very sad to see. He seemed very desperate to achieve what he wants and very exhausted and the same time i felt very bad. He was sitting there in ripped clothes i stood there for a minute or two parked and i see that he starts to ask people for money i just thought to myself i hope that’s for food and not anything else. He would ask people for spare change and if he was ignored, I’d hear him scream at the people i was terrified just viewing that. He was a tall strong and good-looking man, and he was in that state it was very sad. He even reminded me of a friend my older brother had that i admired so much and that’s why i think i stayed there to watch him for a bit. That man will stay in my head for a long time because its very hard seeing people that are living in the streets.



    On my way home from work on Wednesday i saw this man he was sitting at a bus stop he looked African American, he was injecting himself  with something it was very sad to see. He seemed very desperate to achieve his goal and very exhausted at the same time. He was sitting there in ripped clothes i stood there for a minute or two and i see that he started to ask people for money. i just thought to myself i hope that’s for food and not for anything else. He would ask for stare change and if he was ignored, id hear him screaming at them. I was terrified just viewing that. He was a tall, strong and good looking man and he was in that state that was very sad. He even reminded me of a friend my older brother had that i admired and looked up to and that’s why i think i stayed there so long watching him. That man will will be memorable and will stay in my head for a long time because it’s very hard seeing people that are living in the streets.



    As I was heading to my friend’s place on the train, I grabbed a seat and watched people doing their thing. In one corner, there was a lady with a laptop on her lap, wearing a white shirt and black pants. She looked serious, typing away like there was no tomorrow. Her travel mug was close, and she peeked at her watch now and then. The train moving didn’t seem to bother her; she just rolled with it. It was like she turned the corner of the train into her own little office. As I looked around the train, I saw different scenes unfolding, people chatting, and kids laughing. It was a mix of lives on the move, and each person had their own story in this big commuting puzzle.


    Brendan Hysa

    As I wonder outside and make my way to the train station someone catches my eye, a child and a mother hand and hand together. The mother seemed to be a 40 year old black woman, she was wearing blue sweatpants, a black hoodie, a black beanie, Nike Airforce 1’s and had a black leather jacket on. Her son a young black kid looked about 7 years old he was wearing small blue pants, a dark blue paw patrol hoodie along with a big white puffer jacked which covered the little guy’s whole body. He also had on light up sketchers which he seemed to love because with every step he smiled. The mom was carrying a pizza box home so maybe he was happy he was having pizza for dinner tonight.


    Brendan Hysa

    <span style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; background-color: #f0f0f0;”>As I wonder outside and make my way to the train station someone catches my eye, a child and a mother hand and hand together. The mother seemed to be a 40 year old black woman, she was wearing blue sweatpants, a black hoodie, a black beanie, Nike Airforce 1’s and had a black leather jacket on. Her son a young black kid looked about 7 years old he was wearing small blue pants, a dark blue paw patrol hoodie along with a big white puffer jacked which covered the little guy’s whole body. He also had on light up sketchers which he seemed to love because with every step he smiled. The mom was carrying a pizza box home so maybe he was happy he was having pizza </span>



    Person 1

    On the train station, while I was waiting for the train I noticed a guy was holding a laptop and was on a vedio call. Maybe he was on a interview or on a meeting. His action shows, how workaholic person he is.

    Person 2

    As I sat in the corner of a pleasant coffee shop, I couldn’t help but observe a young woman frantically typing on her laptop. Her expressive gaze and passionate gestures demonstrated her strong interest in the world of stories. Surrounded by a stack of notebooks and a steaming cup of coffee, she was clearly a dedicated writer.

    Person 3

    While waiting for the bus, I spotted someone passing out informational brochures and having intense talks with other travelers. Their dedication to raising awareness about key topics was clear as they wore clothing emblazoned with various social justice statements. This activist’s presence at the bus stop transformed a typical wait into a chance for community involvement, demonstrating the commitment of someone working for good change.

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