ENG1141-D310 Intro to Creative Writing, SP2024

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  • Discussion Board 1: Character Sketch
  • #92189

    Jennifer Sears

    See the instructions under HOMEWORK on the Session 2 Follow Up Notes:

    Session 2: Follow Up Notes and Homework


    Emma Piasio

    On my way home from school on Wednesday I saw several interesting people. The most interesting person that I saw was walking a little boy who was walking with an older woman who was probably his mom. He was cute and small, and probably about five or six years old. I was driving home and I noticed him when I was stopped at a red light. He was wearing a puffy blue jacket that was a little too big on him but it looked very warm. He was also wearing a gray hat and gloves. He had chubby cheeks and they were a little pink probably from walking in the cold and windy weather. He was very adorable and he reminded me of one of my little cousins.

    As he was walking he was talking to his mom but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Whatever they were talking about seemed to be very important to him because he kept looking up at his mom to see her reactions. At one point he was walking slightly behind her and then he sped up so that he could be next to her. Once he got next to her he reached up and grabbed her hand. It was a very sweet moment and I think that was what made him the most memorable to me.





    A girl that seems to be the same age as me is sitting right next to me. Based on assumption of her colorful pins on her bookbag and her very well designed French tip nail art. The only reason I even realized she sat next to me was because she covered herself in her big, oversized jacket to fit in the seat next to me and this fragile and delicate elderly lady. Her scent was also surprisingly similar, Floral, Sweet, and Rosey. She finally sat down after almost falling. She immediately starts to scramble through her XL Longchamp back. I am not sure if she is going to pull out a book or her headphones to tune out the subway performer that is simultaneously yelling showtime while asking for fist pumps from his “audience.” 30 seconds into her scrambling she pulls out her wire headphones and quickly plugs them in. She crosses her legs over kind of mimicking both me and the sweet elderly lady. She starts to go through her phone trying to find the perfect song. So far, we have 5 songs in common, one of them being In a Good Way by Faye Webster. She rests her head on the poster behind us and shuts her eyes and tucks her phone into her bag, which is a good strategic move given the fact that we are going deeper into Brooklyn. Shes gathering her things now to get off the subway. The train is still moving but Shes getting up before the door opens. She gracefully exits the subway leaving a trail of a great investment of floral sweet Rosey perfume.


    Hesler Garcia

    As I sit in this train car, struggling to find a way to start writing this assignment, I realized it’s “creative writing.” It does not have to be great writing, I just have to type my thoughts. It was a little weird for me because while I do usually notice people, it was different to write about random people, analyzing how they interact with others. I don’t want them to notice me and think i’m a creep.

    The first person I noticed was the ticket collector on the Long Island Rail Road train. He is a white man, perhaps in his late 40s. He looks like he enjoys what he does. He’s about 6’2” tall and slim. Grey hair shows underneath the hat. He has a beard that’s halfway grey now. I also noticed he has a piercing on his left ear, which looks a little odd on a man this age. Perhaps it is the uniform that clashes with the ear piercing. Perhaps he is into rock or metal. His nose is thin and a little pointy at the tip. His eyes have a neutral canthal tilt, but his eyes look tired, sad almost. Since he was moving between train cars, collecting the tickets, I could not observe him extremely well, but as he walked past my cart a couple of times, I noticed he his posture to be really sharp. Shoulders back and down, it made it seem like he was confident and an authoritarian energy to him. He probably goes to the gym as well, as you can notice his shirt tightens around his biceps. When he collects the tickets, I notice his hands were veiny and a little dry. Ultimately, this still feels a little weird to write about, but there were so many assumptions about this person I could create based on a couple little observations. </span></p>


    Hesler Garcia

    I copied and pasted my response from a google document, I apologize for all the extra weird text^^…



    The man sat by himself on one side of the subway car, eyes staring rigidly to in front of him. He occasionally would look down at his phone with a tired expression on his face. I assumed that he was either waiting for a phone call or checking the time; either way he looked as if there was somewhere he really needed to be. Dark black headphones stretched over his ears but would occasionally shift whenever he repositioned himself. Every other minute or so, he would take a sip from a white coffee cup which made me think that he was as tired as I was of the day despite it only being 4 in the afternoon. His eyes closed rhythmically before he shook his head, willing his body to stay awake.

    A pair of glasses with golden frames was perched on the bridge of his nose. He was wearing brand sneakers that looked vaguely familiar but since I was sort of far from him, I couldn’t say what type they were for sure. Clearly he wasn’t affected by the cold weather as some were since he had a simple graphic hoodie on with what looked like sweats. A black backpack sat on his lap made me think that he was a student since he was pretty young. I didn’t really notice anything else about him but these are just a few observations.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by cmich77.

    Selina Myrtil

    As I walk on to the bus to head home in my path is a stroller and the stroller belonging to the man in front of me . I attempt to tiptoe past him so I don’t bump into this stroller and I successfully do it. The man is sleeping hunched over taking 3 seats . As the bell dings for every stop the man jumps up to see if he’s missed a stop . He looks like he had a long day you can see it in his eyes and that he just hopes to get home sooner rather than later.

    As I keep looking up from my phone the man is still sleeping. But I also noticed how he positioned his foot right next to the stroller wheel so it stops it from going anywhere. The foot never leaves where it is so the baby is secured. But it also does have me wondering if baby strollers have a stopper ?,. The bell dings and it’s the man stop. Since it’s a stroller everyone has to wait longer than the expected time for someone to get the bus. I see the man walking as I look out the window and just hope he has a goodnight sleep when he gets home.



    on my home I was sitting on the 5 train when this tall black girl with a madusa piercing came to sit down she had long hair that reached her but and she had grass nails that looked so pretty she had corn rolls in her hair which had designs on the top with swirls she sat right a cross from me and I got a glimpse of her eyes her eyes they were big and brown snd beautiful in my opinion I’m really into piercings so I also notice she had her right nostril pierced and a contche in her left ear I was very interested in her style as well she had grey baggy pants with big pockets and she had on a back and white swirly sweater that I realized matched her bag her sneakers were grey and white and everything came together she gave of a mean aura a do not talk to me type of vibe she rarely looked up she stayed in her phone I did notice she had her AirPods in and her AirPods case was a 3d duck it was so cute my stop came up I got off and she smiled at me I was left with a I should of got her numberrrrr



    on my way  home I was sitting on the 5 train when this tall black girl with a madusa piercing came to sit down she had long hair that reached her butt and she had grass nails that looked so pretty she had corn rolls in her hair which had designs on the top with swirls she sat right a cross from me and I got a glimpse of her eyes her eyes they were big and brown and beautiful in my opinion I’m really into piercings so I also notice she had her right nostril pierced and a conch in her left ear I was very interested in her style as well she had grey baggy pants with big pockets and she had on a black and white swirly sweater that I realized matched her bag her sneakers were grey and white so everything came together she gave of a mean aura a do not talk to me type of vibe she rarely looked up she stayed in her phone I did notice she had her AirPods in and her AirPods case was a 3d duck it was so cute my stop came up I got off and she smiled at me I was left with a I should of got her numberrrr

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by sophia.


    On my way home from college, I come across many unique individuals on a daily basis because of the fact that my commute is extremely long. My commute back home begins in Brooklyn and ends in Long Island. It feels like a worlds shift. A person who caught my attention though was this middle aged man. He was caucasian, he had a small build, and had many piercings with an “emo” vibe going on. He was sitting with one leg on top of eachother, all the way in the corner of the long subway seats and would occasionally rest his head on the side pole connected to the seat. He was on his phone, with headphones on the whole train ride so I did not see much of his social interactions, but considering the fact that he barely looked up may indicate that he was trying to avoid making unnecessary contact with others (very newyorker of him), and that he may be a local if he knows where he is going without having to look up and keep track of the stops.

    The man was wearing all black, had on black eye makeup, had extremely big platform boots on, and had a side bag with many pins and patches on it that stood for different causes, including environmental stuff which was interesting to think about. Along with that, he had pins with old cartoons and figures which I found kind of cute since you would not assume that someone with his getup would have that kind of stuff visibly on them. While his whole look appeared extremely gothic and rough, the pins on his bag indicated that he supported causes such as saving the environment, and climate change. This made me think about how oftentimes as a society, we unintentionally distinguish people who appear a certain way, to then also act, and believe in certain things which are not always true. I never really stopped and thought about stuff like this until this assignment which was a fun and eyeopening experience.



    I was bored laying in my bed when I got hungry out of nowhere. Whenever i’m not doing anything suddenly I want to eat. I don’t like going out twice to buy food so I just decided ima get enough food for now and for later when I stay up. Ended up deciding on going to McDonalds because the food to cost proportion makes it worth it. Honestly everything from putting on a coat to walking to the McDonalds felt normal but for some reason the Cashier stood out to me.

    Why I chose this specific cashier for this assignment? I don’t know there was something about her. Perhaps the way she was so smiley and happy for a minimum wage job. Maybe it was the way there was no conversation but the interaction wasn’t awkward as if this has happened before which to her it probably has because I was just another customer. I admired her passion to always be doing something because right after she took my order she waited a couple seconds just to confirm no one else was ordering and she immediately went to help the people who were putting the food in the bags for the customers. It’s dumb but to me that time of passion is admirable, It makes my mind think one thought after another and it reminds me of where I need to be in my life.



    When I walk down the subway stairs leading to the train platforms I start hearing a soft melody playing in the background. It was like a lullaby, a calming sound that gives you the warmest hug when you listen to it. Once I got down to the platform I realized that the sound/music was coming from this elderly chinese man who was all wrapped up in his winter coat playing this instrument I wasn’t really familiar with. Looking back I do think it could’ve been a traditional chinese violin or more specifically a spike fiddle.

    The elder chinese man seemed really sweet and fragile, and honestly I have a soft spot for elderly people. Maybe that’s why him playing his “Erhu” really stuck out to me from the crowd of people in the subway. His music was the highlight of my tiring day.



    Person 1

    His eyes look down to his tattered violin that resembles himself. He has a face mask on and baggy smart clothes. He plays the same song over and over again, day by day on the commuters train. I’ve seen this man before. I wonder what motivates him. He seems as though he hasn’t cracked a smile in ages.

    Person 2
    As most of us do in a subway, the second person I noticed had his headphones on, minding his own business. the first thing that caught my eye was his hairstyle which didn’t resemble his age. He had braided his hair in a style which I did before but felt I outgrew. This hairstyle is hard to maintain and even harder not to itch. His hair looked untouched and his beard well groomed.


    Person 3 

    She seemed as though she had accomplished what she had set out for the day. sitting across from me she never made eye contact but had a sharp stare right next to me. I noticed her brown eyes which matched her brown hair. She sat with confidence as if he she knew something that no one else did.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by oussmane.

    Erick C

    Working in retail as a front-end person I see tons of different types of people checking out, shopping, leaving and coming in the store, but this one particular person caught my attention due to the fact that it wasn’t the typical type of person I see. I work in a area full of tourists so it mostly be different types of people from United Kingdom, England etc. This girl though seemed like she was a mix of Asian and Hispanic which seemed very amazing to me as to the fact that I feel like many Hispanics are usually a mix of another Hispanic country. She was about 5’6, skinny, and had a style that I really liked because it showed that she is someone that is into sneakers just by seeing she had Travis Scott 6’s on and it was shown that she takes good care of them.

    Being in the temperature we are now she was wearing a black north face puffer jacket with some light-colored jeans while wearing her air pods pro max and having an apple watch on. Straight black medium length hair, she had a basket with a couple of makeup products and candles. I was just standing there guiding other people to an open self-checkout machine when suddenly a red light appears on her machine which meant she needed assistance, so I went and it was just that she accidently double scanned an item which is pretty usual that it happens by mistake, the tone of her voice was soft, she looked like she was in her early 20s. So, I just deleted the double scanned item and went to help other customers that needed help.



    on my way home i saw two very weird people that looked out of place. One of them was looking very old timey and clearly did not know where he was and why he was on the train. He had a purple top hat and a purple vest with his purple handbag. His eyes looked like they were gonna jump out of his head which was terrifying but i dont judge. He also was looking around like it was his first time on the subway but than randomly got off at 3rd avenue so that confused me. He was just standing by the door very patiently for the doors to open looking like every stop was his stop.


    The second person wasnt that weird but was at the same time. This guy was at least 6’7 and was just looking down on everyone. But than he started playing on his gameboy so it was very confusing seeing his huge hands on the little device. Maybe it was just my perspective. Than all of sudden he heard his stop and ran out the door at full speed. He sprinted out them doors and the stop was only at hunts point. I dont know if he was late but it was confusing at the time. He was also wearing a top hate but this time with a monocle and a vest with a old timey watch on him.

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