EN­G1121-D454: ENG­LISH COMP II, SP2024

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  • Discussion Board 4: Op-Ed Thesis Statement and One Citation
  • #93354

    Jennifer Sears
    • On this dis­cus­sion board, post your work­ing the­sis state­ment and one ci­ta­tion you will use in your essay, using MLA for­mat as best as you can.
    • This dis­cus­sion board is due by the end of the day on Sun­day, March 23.
    • More in­for­ma­tion on this as­sign­ment and the li­brary visit are on this post:




    Jasmine Friday

    As hu­mans be­ings, we need to ac­knowl­edge the dan­ger­ous and the risks of global warm­ing. To un­der­stand and de­ter­mine the rea­son for nat­ural chaos, the fluc­tu­a­tions of sea level, and the mass ex­tinc­tion of var­i­ous plants and an­i­mals on the earth due to global warm­ing.

    Miller D.A. (2009) Global warm­ing. Lu­cent Books.



    Ref­er­ees in soc­cer are ru­in­ing the game with their in­con­sis­ten­cies, and it’s at an all time high. Some bal­ance and rules need to be set in place to keep the game com­pet­i­tive and fair.


    Nuno says poor de­ci­sions are af­fect­ing For­est rel­e­ga­tion fight; The For­est man­ager has high­lighted a few in­ci­dents where he felt

    Pre­mier League ref­er­ees made poor de­ci­sions that af­fected his side.” Tele­graph On­line, 14 Mar. 2024, p. NA. Gale In Con­text: Op­pos­ing View­points, link.​gale.​com/​apps/​doc/​A786463304/​OVIC?​u=cuny_​nytc&​sid=boo​kmar​k-​OVIC&​xid=ba6​04cf​5. Ac­cessed 20 Mar. 2024.



    Every women should have the right to do what they want with their bod­ies, and not per­mit­ting abor­tions does not allow women to make de­ci­sions on their re­pro­duc­tive health, which re­sults in neg­a­tive so­cial and psy­cho­log­i­cal as­pects.

    Or­lando Sen­tinel Ed­i­to­r­ial Board. “Florida’s Anti-Abor­tion Bill Will Hurt Vul­ner­a­ble Women in the State.” Gale op­pos­ing view­points on­line col­lec­tion, Gale, 2024.

    http://​link.​gale.​com/​apps/​doc/​XLE​YBX7​5440​7124/​OVIC?​u=cuny_​nytc&​sid=boo​kmar​k-​OVIC&​xid=34b​a24b​4. Ac­cessed 20 Mar. 2024. Orig­i­nally pub­lished as “Abor­tion bill hits hard­est at the most vul­ner­a­ble,” Or­lando Sen­tinel, 7 Feb. 2022.



    The use of rat poi­son all over the city has been a sig­nif­i­cant threat to the well-be­ing of dogs and their own­ers due to  ac­ci­den­tal in­ges­tion. This has lead to se­vere health com­pli­ca­tions and even fa­tal­i­ties. There­fore greater reg­u­la­tions and/ or al­ter­na­tive pest con­trol strate­gies needs to be put in place to avoid the risk of harm­ing our pets.

    Mitchell, Alex. “Three Dogs Die after Al­legedly In­gest­ing Poi­son Out­side of NYC Apart­ment Build­ing.”</span><span style=”caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; text-in­dent: -1cm; -we­bkit-text-size-ad­just: auto;”> </span><i style=”caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; text-in­dent: -1cm; -we­bkit-text-size-ad­just: auto;”>New York Post</i><span style=”caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; text-in­dent: -1cm; -we­bkit-text-size-ad­just: auto;”>, New York Post, 14 Nov. 2022, ny­post.com/2022/11/14/three-dogs-die-af­ter-al­legedly-in­gest­ing-poi­son-in-nyc/#.</span><span style=”caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; text-in­dent: -1cm; -we­bkit-text-size-ad­just: auto;”> </span>



    This is the proper ci­ta­tion  to my post . I don’t know why it came out like that be­fore.
    Mitchell, Alex. “Three Dogs Die after Al­legedly In­gest­ing Poi­son Out­side of NYC Apart­ment Build­ing.” <i>New York Post</i>, New York Post, 14 Nov. 2022, ny­post.com/2022/11/14/three-dogs-die-af­ter-al­legedly-in­gest­ing-poi­son-in-nyc/#.


    Brianna Brand

    Topic:Lim­ited Space on CUNY Cam­puses

    In re­cent months at­tend­ing a CUNY Uni­ver­sity, I re­al­ized how pro­vid­ing so­cial spaces on col­lege cam­puses has be­come a use­ful sta­ple to stu­dents. As our stu­dent com­mu­nity con­tin­ues to grow hav­ing old and new stu­dents ar­riv­ing to cam­pus daily, the need for mul­ti­ple cafe­te­rias and lounge spaces has be­come an im­por­tant issue.

    Side­note…I’m still try­ing to find a source that backs up my the­sis since my topic is very spe­cific and broad..

    -Bri­anna Briand


    chipun kam


    The alarm­ing fre­quency of school shoot­ings in the United States, re­sult­ing in nu­mer­ous ca­su­al­ties, un­der­scores the ur­gent need for com­pre­hen­sive gun con­trol mea­sures. Un­like many other coun­tries, the US strug­gles to ad­dress this deadly trend, prompt­ing calls for stricter reg­u­la­tions to pre­vent fur­ther tragedies and pro­tect pub­lic safety.

    -chipun kam

    • This reply was mod­i­fied 9 months, 2 weeks ago by chipun kam.
    • This reply was mod­i­fied 9 months, 2 weeks ago by chipun kam.


    Topic: Nurses de­serve more ap­pre­ci­a­tion

    I re­al­ized just how much nurses don’t re­ally re­ceive the amount of ap­pre­ci­a­tion and re­spect that they truly de­serve even though they work re­ally hard and care for the pa­tients with their whole heart. Though they do do their best to make sure every pa­tient is cared for and even dis­tract them to make them hap­pier dur­ing their stay by pro­vid­ing fun ac­tiv­i­ties, they’re not as ap­pre­ci­ated com­pared to doc­tors sim­ply be­cause they don’t have that “doc­tor” title. Not get­ting enough ap­pre­ci­a­tion could alter work per­for­mances and mo­ti­va­tion form the nurses.

    A source I plan to use is;

    Aly, Howida Abo, et al. “Re­la­tion­ship Be­tween Staff Nurse Mo­ti­va­tion Level and Pa­tient Sat­is­fac­tion In Se­lected Hos­pi­tal and the Ap­pre­ci­a­tion are Staff Nurse Mo­ti­va­tion and Pa­tient Sat­is­fac­tion.” Egypt­ian Nurs­ing Jour­nal vol. 20, no. 1, Jan.-Apr. 2023, p. 131. Gale Aca­d­e­mic One­File link.​gale.​com/​apps/​doc/​A760028520/​AONE?​u=cuny_​nytc&​sid=boo​kmar​k-​AONE&​xid=5cf​c0c7​e. Ac­cessed 24 Mar. 2024.




    So­cial media has sig­nif­i­cantly al­tered the way we com­mu­ni­cate, in­ter­act, and per­ceive the world, and while it of­fers nu­mer­ous ben­e­fits, its per­va­sive in­flu­ence raises con­cerns about pri­vacy, men­tal health, and so­ci­etal co­he­sion.

    de Hes­selle, Lea  C., and Chris­t­ian Mon­tag. “Ef­fects of a 14-Day So­cial Media Ab­sti­nence on Men­tal Health and Well-Be­ing: Re­sults from an Ex­per­i­men­tal Study.” <i>Gale In Con­text</i>, Bio­Med Cen­tral Ltd., 13 Mar. 2024, go-gale-com.​citytech.​ezproxy.​cuny.​edu/​ps/​retrieve.​do?​tab​ID=Jou​rnal​s&​res​ultL​istT​ype=RES​ULT_​LIST&​sea​rchR​esul​tsTy​pe=Mul​tiTa​b&​ret​riev​alId=f80​a4c6​3-​9e90-​40ac-​8410-​d40​7620​3932​2&​hitCount=63&​sea​rchT​ype=Bas​icSe​arch​Form&​cur​rent​Posi​tion=1&​doc​Id=GAL​E%7CA​7863​7549​7&​doc​Type=Rep​ort&​sor​t=Rel​evan​ce&​con​tent​Segm​ent=ZXA​Y-​MOD1&​prodId=OVIC&​pageNum=1&​con​tent​Set=GAL​E%7CA​7863​7549​7&​searchId=R4&​use​rGro​upNa​me=cun​y_​nytc&​inPS=true.



    as elec­tions draw closer we need our voice to be heard even more promi­nently. why should we allow the Elec­toral Col­lege to stop us from hav­ing a say in who leads us?
    <div class=”csl-en­try”>Neale, T. H. (2021). <i>The elec­toral col­lege : op­tions for change and 117th Con­gress pro­pos­als</i> ([Li­brary of Con­gress pub­lic edi­tion].). Con­gres­sional Re­search Ser­vice.</div>


    David S

    Not many peo­ple will know much about Global Warm­ing and how it can be killing us lit­tle by lit­tle right now as we speak. The whole world may be ef­fected by Global Warm­ing. But be­fore look­ing at the whole world, New York City should be a point of in­ter­est in all of this.



    Col­leges should pro­vide ad­e­quate aca­d­e­mic,men­tal and fi­nan­cial as­sis­tance to col­lege ath­letes to help them suc­ceed on and off the field.

    Crocker, Bradley, et al. “Com­pos­ite Vi­gnettes of Chal­lenges Faced by Cana­dian Col­le­giate Stu­dent-Ath­letes Ne­go­ti­at­ing the De­mands of Uni­ver­sity Life.” Psy­chol­ogy of Sport & Ex­er­cise, vol. 55, July 2021, p. N.​PAG. EB­SCO­host, https://​doi-​org.​citytech.​ezproxy.​cuny.​edu/​10.​1016/​j.​psychsport.​2021.​101937.



    Stu­dents and col­leges alike must be aware and ready to pre­vent a case of cyber at­tacks or breach of  in­ter­net se­cu­rity. After covid most schools and col­leges around the coun­try have in­te­grated tech­nol­ogy to be more es­sen­tial to the way we go about our ed­u­ca­tion. If we are to trust a sys­tem with our as­sign­ments or sen­si­tive in­for­ma­tion we make be cer­tain that it not out­dated and made to pro­tect thou­sands of stu­dents from bad ac­tors.

    Elsen-Rooney, Michael. “NYC Schools’ Cy­ber­se­cu­rity Push Has Some Fear­ing Un­in­tended Con­se­quences.” <i>Chalk­beat</i>, Chalk­beat, 31 Oct. 2023, http://​www.​chalkbeat.​org/​newyork/​2023/​9/​18/​23879342/​new-​york-​city-​cyb​erse​curi​ty-​email-​data-​breach-​rules-​nyc-​schools-​education-​department/.


    Maria Rahman

    Even though this is not un­com­mon in the West,. It’s a global issue in many other places.The neg­a­tive as­pects of child mar­riages have been ig­nored and for­got­ten.Child mar­riage is a morally re­pug­nant prac­tice.

    Kyu Han Lee, Atique Iqbal Chowd­hury, Qazi Sadeq-ur Rah­man, Solveig A. Cun­ning­ham, Sha­hana Parveen and San­warul Bari</span></p>
    <p dir=”ltr” style=”line-height: 1.2; mar­gin-top: 0pt; mar­gin-bot­tom: 0pt;”><span style=”font-size: 11pt; font-fam­ily: ‘Open Sans’,sans-serif; color: #000000; back­ground-color: trans­par­ent; font-weight: 400; font-style: nor­mal; font-vari­ant: nor­mal; text-dec­o­ra­tion: none; ver­ti­cal-align: base­line; white-space: pre-wrap;”>Date:  July 19, 2023</span></p>
    <span id=”docs-in­ter­nal-guid-3786f2c3-7fff-d5ef-addc-afac68288078″> </span>

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