ENG1121 D435 Fall2019

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  • Due 10/1 by 5PM: Research proposal
  • #55813


    1. Low Illiteracy rates within low income communities.
    2. I have read about south Bronx and their literacy rates, so I want to do a research on it.
    3. Does low income play a role on literacy rates?
    4. 70% of third graders from the south Bronx are unable on read on grade level.
    5. There won’t be a lot of information on this topic if focus a specific small place like the south Bronx.



    1. What discourse community are you writing about? What is the issue or problem in that discourse community that you will address?
    I will be writing about the league of legends community. The problems I will be addressing is how to improve the community, and behavior.
    2. What is your motivation for wanting to write about this discourse community?
    I’ve been playing league for over 7 years now. I am practically an addict; even when I quit I default back to it.
    3. What is your research question?
    Behavior is a huge portion of the community. How does one have a competitive behavior without having a toxic personality?
    4. What basic research have you done so far? What information have you found?
    Most players in high elo have a huge stigma with being toxic in some way. Even pro players like IWD. I will be utilizing the information from reddit as well as my current knowledge of the community such as streamers, pro players, casual players etc.
    5. What kinds of challenges do you think you might run into as you work on this project?
    Being able to communicate with streamers and pro players might be an issue. I will do my best to just research and have a bird view rather than isolate one person


    Daveed Roopnarain

    1. What discourse community are you writing about? What is the issue or problem in that discourse community that you will address?
    2. What is your motivation for wanting to write about this discourse community?
    3. What is your research question?
    4. What basic research have you done so far? What information have you found?
    5. What kinds of challenges do you think you might run into as you work on this project?

    1. The discourse community I am writing about is the Car Culture Community. General participation from younger people in car culture has been dying out.
    2. I’ve been studying a variety of different cars since I was younger, there’s so much to learn as well as so many different people to learn from, it’s hard to see such a group begin to die out.
    3. What would reignite the view of car culture for more people my age?
    4. In terms of research I’ve looked in to why people are so involved in learning about cars and experiencing them first hand in the first place. I have found some really good documentaries.
    5. One of the main troubles I believe I will run into is finding scholarly articles on car culture.



    1) I will be writing about mental health issues in college students.
    2) As a young adult, I’ve noticed that a lot of our youth suffer from mental illness and they don’t even notice it.
    3) How can we we reduce mental illnesses in college students? How can we prevent this?
    4) After doing a little research, I’ve learned that 1 in 4 students have a diagnosable illness and 40% do not seek help
    5) Not sure as of yet



    1. Discourse community i will be writing about is linguistics. The issue facing linguists are the people with a foreign tongue being forgotten and their language being forgotten.
    2. i enjoy the subject very much i love the rich history and how language has been brought up and continuing to evolve.
    3. My research question is “What do people truly know about language?”
    4.The research i have found is when a child does not learn or taught language they actually lose the function to speak in general. Back the a girl had a stutter in her speech, the parents locked her in a closet in order to punish her for doing so. This did the opposite effect in trying to correct that stutter. It made the stuttering worse, till finally they locked her in the closet for years, yes they feed her and bathed her however the staff was forbidden to ever speak with her. So she had no way of learning her language if no one had taught or spoke to her.
    5. The challenge i see is not finishing in time.


    Ismail G

    1- I will be talking about the uyghur camps, or ā€œre-educationā€ camps in China, they have been targeting Muslim civilians and forcing them to do manual labor for free in these ā€œcampsā€ in an attempt to remove the Muslim population
    2- me being Muslim I obviously would feel strongly about this but amid recent rumors that the government has been harvesting organs from these people I felt like I had to write about this
    3- what are possible reasons that the government wants to remove the Muslim population and what could possibly happen to those that go missing during their sentences
    4- I have done research on this in the past because it has been happening since 2012 or earlier but I have more to come
    5- it may be difficult because the government in China is very secretive and when it comes to these camps they give very little information and keep the information they do release vague and brief



    Your proposal should answer the following questions:
    1. What discourse community are you writing about? What is the issue or problem in that discourse community that you will address?
    2. What is your motivation for wanting to write about this discourse community?
    3. What is your research question?
    4. What basic research have you done so far? What information have you found?
    5. What kinds of challenges do you think you might run into as you work on this project?

    1.The discourse community I will be writing about is the fifa players community more specifically the fifa career mode community. The issue I will be addressing is the developers Electronic Arts( better known as Ea) negligence of the games other modes in exchange for a focus on the game mode known as FUT which stands for fifa ultimate team this mode has a feature that allows it to make micro transactions.

    2.My motive is having been a fifa fan and player all my life and even being a beta tester for the most recent fifa and previous titles I canā€™t stand the direction in which the game has moved. Itā€™s turned into a pay to win scam.

    3.ā€œHow did the introduction of microtransactions ruin Fifa?ā€

    4.Well Iā€™ve watched plenty of videos of other expressing their disdain for the game and the developers and about two years ago or last year I accidentally went on a 5 min rant about fifa and how I hate it and how it should be fixed so I believe I have the passion and research to execute this essay.

    5.I think the hardest part will be keeping things linear and not jumping topics too much because there is a lot to be mentioned.


    Shannia Thomas

    1. What discourse community are you writing about? What is the issue or problem in that discourse community that you will address?
    The discourse community Iā€™m writing about is African Americans in our community. The issue I will be addressing will be racism and police brutality against the African Americans in my community.
    2. What is your motivation for wanting to write about this discourse community?
    As a African American, thereā€™s been discussions about racism ending and it hasnā€™t. Watching the news and reading on police brutality expresses that However racism still happens.
    3. What is your research question?
    How do we limit police brutality against African American? What impacts does it has on society? How does racism affect the Black Community?
    4. What basic research have you done so far? What information have you found?
    I view this article from appeal.org and I have learn that Racism itself is difficult to measure. Social media and cell phones have indeed played a part to the secretly lived reality for people in this countryā€Š.
    5. What kinds of challenges do you think you might run into as you work on this project?
    This is a really sensitive topic. Addressing it will raise certain questions. Also finding evidence of police brutality actually being portrayed. Another thing I mentioned is that racism canā€™t be measured.

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