
A UNIT of THREE SHORT ESSAYS, worth a total of 30%, broken down as follows*:

500-word short essay draft #1: 10%

500-word short essay draft #2: 10%

500-word short essay draft #3: 10%

Midterm Exam (completed in class in essay form; open dictionary allowed): 15%

Final Research Project: 20% — Note: a First Draft of this paper must be submitted prior for grade.

Final Exam: 15%

Class Participation: 20%**

*These essays will include topics and structures from your homework/journal/in-class writing assignments; hence “class participation” will help you get a better understanding of them — and a better grade.

**”Class Participation” includes periodical checks of your Journal entries that include assignments, do-now writing exercises in class, and light overnight homework assignments that are otherwise ungraded.

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