ENG 1141: Intro to Creative Writing, Fall 2020

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  • Participation Activity: A first try at a Sestina
  • #68061


    September 17, 2020

    I am tired of wearing this mask
    Covering my face everywhere
    How long is this pandemic going to last?
    It is socially awkward to give distance hugs
    To comfort all the ones, I love
    Clorox is like a distant lover
    And Isolation is a newfound friend -unwelcomed till the end.

    All I can imagine is, how will this end?
    Retiring the mask
    That hides my frustration
    When all I need is hugs
    Comforting the ones, I love
    Reuniting with Clorox to cement the relationship with a distant lover
    That is guaranteed to last.


    Jamyl Capellan

    In the night he sees the BAT
    a hero to some always stopping CRIME
    his job, his calling save the PEOPLE
    watching atop of BUILDING
    in reality he’s just a MAN

    trying to be more than just a MAN
    behind the walls of the BUILDING
    he tries to stop the worst CRiME
    some days he can’t save the PEOPLE
    in the night he’s just a BAT


    Jamyl Capellan

    In the night he sees the BAT
    a hero to some always stopping CRIME
    his job, his calling save the PEOPLE
    his only weapon, his MIND
    watching atop of BUILDING
    in reality he’s just a MAN

    trying to be more than just a MAN
    behind the walls of the BUILDING
    he tries to stop the worst CRiME
    some nights he can’t save the PEOPLE
    those nights his greatest weapon is his greatest weakness, his MIND
    in the end he’s just a BAT



    The greatest gift of God is FAMILY
    Which is given to all CREATURES
    On the earth including HUMAN
    It has always been there to ENCOURAGE
    Overcome all difficulties with SUCCESS
    Without that a person never be HAPPY

    Growing under the supervision of caring make people live HAPPY
    Each member carries out equal responsibility in FAMILY
    The strong bonding needed for the future to achieve SUCCESS
    Whatever situation is facing to overcome it is a lifeline for all CREATURES
    To remain disciplined, it helps us with ENCOURAGE
    It helps to shape adult life in the right manner for HUMAN



    His name is spider man
    Because he was bitten by a spider
    Climbing high building walls that no one can
    It is just a story
    But he saves lives

    He used to be an ordinary man
    But changed becauze of an spider
    And now does things that no one can
    It is a story of a movie
    But its story gives excitement to all lives

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