ENG 1121 D476 Fall 2019

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  • 9/8 at 5PM- Analysis of an ad
  • #55179


    One of the many advertisements for FIFA 20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgQNOIhRsV4

    The creator of this advertisement made it with the intention of luring people, old and new customers, into buying the latest version of FIFA when it is realized later this month. This is apparent because they are bringing attention to the new exciting features like the revamped free-kick system which was a bother for users of last year’s FIFA.
    The audience of this ad would be the FIFA community, which are players who buy the new versions every year, along with new potential customers interested in soccer games.
    The rhetorical appeal is based off of the credibility or ethos of the company and it’s ambassadors. The company is known for producing the best and soccer experience on gaming platforms. Also, extremely popular players (ambassadors) are shown off in game pulling of their trademark skills that will apparently be expressed properly in the new game.
    The ad was visual and presented digitally on YouTube.
    Some obvious elements of the genre would be the vibrant color schemes that franchises like EA Sports and 2K tend to switch up somewhat yearly to give the impression of fresh energetic content. Also the same few great players tend to feature for sports games similar to FIFA for the span of a few years.
    The game-play, as always, is in third person and the nothing about the ad is formal as it is meant to be fresh and wild to intrigue the creative players.
    The design is beautiful as they have high quality video of the game-play with a baby blue, pinkish, and bright yellow colors used throughout the ad.
    The source material gameplay coming straight from EA’s FIFA team who create and update the game.


    C Pichardo

    While walking in the NYC subway, I spotted a Lyft advertisement. Following this sentence will be a description of the rhetorical situation. The exigence of the advertisement was to encourage the public to use its taxi car service; specifically, the advertisement encourages its use during the fall season by its text, and fall promo code. The audience of the advertisement would be adult individuals who decide to take the NYC MTA subway lines to commute from place to place. This advertisement is basically offering them an alternative to traveling the subways by strategically being placed within the subway lines. This advertisement is appealing to pathos in the sense that the advertiser is showing a sense of understanding/empathy towards individuals being told to dress in layers in chilly months of the year; something comfortable and cozy we were told to do, or our parents and family members have done to us since childhood. In that sense, it is also appealing to ethos, since we were taught and led to believe since childhood we should dress in layers to stay warm (individuals learn survival traits from its guardians, family, and platonic social circles), and it is a natural survival response, which is credible and trustworthy – ethos again – and of course, logical – logos – being a natural survival instinct. It is mostly appealing to pathos. I’d have to say this advertisements mode would be text, visuals (as art was incorporated within its text). The specific way the mode was shared, the media, in reference to its text mode, would be bold, white capital letters to attract the attention of its audience with its size and brief, short sentences. The main text of the ad would be, “THEY SAY TO DRESS IN LAYERS. IT’S OKAY IF ONE OF THOSE LAYERS IS A CAR.” Followed by the promo code at the bottom, “DOWNLOAD FOR UP TO $25 IN RIDE CREDIT. USE CODE NYFALL18.” And finally, its company name, “LYFT.” In reference to the advertisements visual mode, the media would be an attractive, eye-catching purple background that easily grabs the audience’s attention, and has great contrast with the white text, which makes the text more noticeable. The purple background also has art; it includes cars, trees, etc. to make it appear as if it were a city landscape. In further explanation of the visual media used, the texts in the advertisement has art; the letters are made to look like NYC city buildings with solar panels, water towers, satellites, balconies etc. When choosing this art design, it further appeals to pathos and ethos as it specifies the location of the advertisement is in (NYC), which shows the advertiser is being detailed oriented/attentive by being specific, which shows it cares for its audience. Now, everything following this sentence would be a description of the genre, or the type of response to a rhetorical situation. The style of the advertisement, in reference to tone, comes off as casual, and empathetic. The author’s voice manifested through text in reference to style would have to be empathetic again, blunt/matter-of-factually as it seems empathetic, but offers quick solution to an issue. Detail orientation is covered in description of the advertisement throughout this whole paragraph; and when summarizing it as a whole, you can see how carefully/thoughtfully planned the advertisement was, which shows great amount of detail orientation. When comparing this advertisement to others in the same genre, you can see similarities. Specifically with the use of bold, eye-catching capital letters, and brief sentences to catch the audience’s attention. Not much difference other than its visuals. The design of the advertisement includes color (white and purple as main color scheme, as mentioned prior), and includes art illustration (city landscape as mentioned prior), and is in the format of a sticky poster. There are no sources available in this advertisements. Sources include anything from citations, conversations, documents, books, journals etc. Not all rhetorical situations requires sources. It depends on the type of rhetorical situation. This advertisement appeals more towards emotion than anything, and isn’t trying to prove any factual information, rather appeal to people’s personal life and emotions. The only sources being the link I’ll post that shows the advertisement.This concludes my analysis on the Lyft advertisement.



    Farai Matangira

    A while ago I saw an Apple music ad that I found interesting. The ad had Drake in it, who is arguably one of the biggest and most popular artists right now. n the ad, Drake was working out and listening enthusiastically to “Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift. The purpose of the ad was to convince people into subscribing to Apple Music. They showed Drake scrolling through the Apple Music app to show the graphic user interface of Apple Music as well as its features. The audience was the public but more specifically to music lovers and/or Drake and Taylor Swift fans. For rhetorical appeal, the ad was clearly using Drake and Tayor swift as a form of ethos. The mode of the ad was visual and audio, while the media was digital. They used this combination of vibrant music and graphics to capture the audience’s attention. All in all, Apple used a mixture of all these factors to create an ad that makes it a typical Apple advertizement.



    So when I wake up in morning I love to listen to music. I love to listen to music any second I have free when I am on the bus and train on the way to work or to school. That when I always listen to music. And I use Spotify to listen music but I do not pay for the monthly premium which allows you to skip there ad’s. So there ad’s play when you are listening to music for about 30 minutes and most of the time the ad’s are always audio and most of them have a video that goes with it. This right here is a rhetoric situation the purpose of those ad’s is to let everyone who is listening to music know what they are selling. And if it ever grabs anybody attention they can just tab the screen and it will direct them to the ad’s website. I guess the audience are the people who are listen to music using spotify. Most of these ad’s are usually Logos because you are hearing people voices with these ads so they try to hit you with facts about there product and they try to talk about how there product is beneficial to you and how you can use it in your every day life. The mode is always audio and sometimes the ad’s come with visuals. The media is they are share the mode through an app on and device. So now lets talk about the genre conventions the common elements are they try to share ads that would help people in there everyday life. The style is they make the tone of the people voice friendly and they talk sometimes as if they were in your shoes. There usually isn’t any design because there ad’s are through audio.



    I’m constantly taking trains wherever I go and there is this ad that I always see, it’s about this app called Seamless (How New York Eats). This ad it’s about promoting New York City restaurants. It’s an app where you can order deliveries from all your favorites restaurants it’s also very easy to use and free. And as New Yorkers we love to eat but not everybody has the time to cook, I believe that’s where this Ad do its magic. Who’s the audience people who take the trains that are both hungry and impatient. Its has ethos(credibility) because it tells you what’s popular in NYC neighborhoods based on real orders. The specific mode they are using is visual. The ads are full of colorful images and they are very creative, in one of the ads there’s a guys on top of a bicycle and he’s in a flying position on top of the bicycle and it has a seamless bag on his hand and the ad said, “ Some heroes wear capes. Ours wear bike Helmets”. In conclusion, this is a pretty interesting ad after I saw it a few times I end up using it pretty frequently.


    I was browsing and I found this ad from Microsoft. They are promoting their new package to their subscription based game library Xbox Game Pass. In the background it has the main characters of their main gaming franchise s like Halo and Gears of War. It gives a brief description of the service and an option to join in now for a promotional price. The purpose for the ad was to get people who are unable to buy every game to subscribe to their service. The ad has an ethos appeal mainly with the use of big franchises like Halo and GoW in the background as well as a pathos since it can target people’s passion for videogames. It uses images for it mode and it comes in digital media.


    Justin Andrew

    Link: https://twitter.com/i/status/1167589132031451138

    1: Purpose- To educate people about a school program

    2: Audience- Parents and Students

    3: Rhetorical Appeals

    Logos: Discusses how the program “Has 100,000 students around the world.” This statistic appeals to logos as it gives a fact to the audience to show the impact which they have all around the world.

    Ethos: IBM is a huge company that has been successful throughout its years as well as having a big role in history. This shows that IBM has a lot of experience and can be seen as a credible business.

    Pathos: They discuss how ‘If one student gets left behind, we all all get left behind’. This introduces a call to action scenario where a new program can help to change that. This appeals to emotions because it shows that not only is a new education model being created, but in this model, students and faculty become like family, and help one another to reach an end goal.

    4: Modes and Media- This is a TV commercial that uses audio and visuals to promote a school program.


    Design: This Ad is in the form of video whereas it looks cinematic. There are some titles that attempt to get a main message across.

    Common elements: It plays during commercial breaks on TV

    Sources: No sources were mentioned.

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