ENG 1101 Fall 2021 0277

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  • September 14, 2021 Point of View Who is the narrator?
  • #73996

    Prof. Masiello

    1. What is meant by point of view in stories? (It does not mean someone’s opinion.)

    2. Can you think of any stories, any novels or short stories, you have read that are told by a character within the story?

    3. Please name some and whose POV (point of view) is used.

    4. Can you think of any movies you have seen where a character’s POV is used?

    5. How is POV done in a film?

    6. Can you name any movies that demonstrated POV?

    In a typical story for children, the narrator knows everything. He is omniscient, God-like, and knows everything. This is called an omniscient narrator. The narrator will refer to characters using the third person, he and she.

    Please remember that film and novel titles are italicized and short story titles use quotation marks. Use this correctly in your responses.

    In more challenging stories authors often challenge us by telling the story through a character, someone who cannot be everywhere and cannot know everything.

    If the main character is a narrator he or she will use the pronoun “I.”

    7. Which short stories do you remember having read in previous English classes?

    Short stories are meant to be read in one sitting (unlike a novel) and usually have only one plot, just a few characters, and often have a surprise ending.

    Think of the old TV show

      The Twilight Zone

    . The stories were under 26 minutes and had surprise endings.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Prof. Masiello. Reason: new semester
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Prof. Masiello.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Prof. Masiello.

    Jaheim Wilson

    1) Point of view is meant by who is telling the story. It the character’s eyes are you looking through as the story progress forward.

    2) One example of a story I’ve read is the Giver, and another good book I’ve read is Angela’s Ashes.

    3) The giver is told through the eyes of a character named Jonas. Angela’s Ashes is told through the eyes of Frank McCourt. Both of these books are from a first person point of view.

    4) Some movies that give us a character’s point of view are UP, Finding Nemo.

    5) A character’s point of view is shown in a movie by showing the world around them, and how they act within it. Point of view can also be shown by how other character’s act around them or in response to them.

    6) A movie that really demonstrated pov to me is The Lion King.

    7) A couple short stories I remember is Girl, 2 B R 0 2 B.


    Osman Hassan

    1. What is meant by point of view in stories? (It does not mean someone’s opinion.)
    From whose perspective the story is being told

    2. Can you think of any stories, any novels or short stories, you have read that are told by a character within the story?
    Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird

    3. Please name some and whose POV (point of view) is used.
    In Catcher in the Rye, the story is told from Holden Caufield’s perspective. In To Kill a Mockingbird, the story is told through the perspective of a girl by the name of scout whose father was a lawyer.

    4. Can you think of any movies you have seen where a character’s POV is used?
    I believe every movie I watched has included multiples character’s POVs. A movie I just recently watched is Marvel’s Shang-Chi where there was a crucial character-building scene that was shown through Shang-Chi’s POV.

    5. How is POV done in a film?
    In a film, this would be done by showing what the character is seeing without the character themselves being in the frame.

    6. Can you name any movies that demonstrated POV?
    The Quiet Place

    7. Which short stories do you remember having read in previous English classes?
    “The Tell-Tale Heart”, “Rip Van Winkle”



    1. Point of view in a story is who is telling the story or it could be the narrator.
    2. One good novel I’ve read is “The Great Gatsby” and I’ve read “The Giver”.
    3. In “The Great Gatsby”, is about a character named Nick who has experience live events and decide to describe what he has been through. It is a first-person point of view. In “The Giver”, is a first-person point of view where there is a character named Jonas who had received the position as a giver who is able to experience the outside world compared to his world. Jonas’s eyes were the key to everything in the novel.
    4. I can’t think of many movies, but I think of The Karate Kid that came out in 2010. The character named Dre was trained by a master who try to defend himself from bullying and he uses his point of view and thought it was pointless of training but later how he thought to himself he can do it. Not sure if this is a point of view.
    5. Point of view is used in a movie is where the characters show their own thoughts and feelings throughout their action.
    6. The Maze Runner
    7. “The Lottery” and “Sonny’s Blues”



    1. What is meant by point of view in stories? (It does not mean someone’s opinion.)
    The point of view is someone’s story being told from their perspective.

    2. Can you think of any stories, any novels or short stories, you have read that are told by a character within the story?
    A character that comes to mind is Dave from the novel “A Child Called It”

    3. Please name some and whose POV (point of view) is used.
    In the Novel “A Child Called It” its told from a first person POV a boy who is constantly being abused by his mother. And in the book “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” its told from the perspective of Greg.

    4. Can you think of any movies you have seen where a character’s POV is used?
    Every movie I watched is told from a characters POV but one that comes to mind is “The Boy Behind The Door” which is about a boy and his friend that gets kidnapped.

    5. How is POV done in a film?
    POV is done in a film by letting us see everything the character is seeing and following their storyline.

    6. Can you name any movies that demonstrated POV?

    Day Break

    7. Which short stories do you remember having read in previous English classes?
    “The Storm”


    Prof. Masiello

    In movies, like Forrest Gump, POV is also depicted by voice-over narration, usually offscreen. Another beautiful example in a film is the 1962 version of To Kill a Mockingbird.

    Jaheim, you may be impressed to know that author Frank McCourt taught here at City Tech as an evening (I think) adjunct, meaning part-time in our very own English Department. I never met him but know other faculty who did. Small world!


    Prof. Masiello


    Your answers are excellent.

    In The Catcher in the Rye, the adult author J.D. Salinger very convincingly tells the story as a 16-year-old boy. This is one reason why the book is so admired.

    The POV in an action movie certainly creates excitement. When it is prolonged or shifts for long periods of time, it become dramatically significant: The novel, Gone Girl, alternates between the wife’s and the husband’s POVs. In the equally fine movie version, the screenwriter chose just to show the wife’s POV.


    Prof. Masiello

    Hey, Matthew,

    I haven’t see the 2010 Karate Kid movie to comment. As for The Great Gatsby, since Nick is narrating, of course, he uses “I’ to talk about himself, but in all the rest of his narration, he uses “he” and “she.” Since Jay Gatsby is the main character, it would seem accurate to say that novel is unusual since the narrator is a secondary character. The author did this to show maybe there were things Nick could not know but only had heard about–to further create the mysterious Mr. Gatsby.


    Prof. Masiello

    Hello, Douglas,

    As for your comments about POV, consider that the camera’s POV is the most dominant and “objective,” so, typically, we get the omniscient POV in movies. Exceptions have been mentioned in my replies to some of your classmates. One of the most prominent POV narrators has to be Forrest Gump because he is naive and maybe a bit slow. The audience knows even more than he does about who the famous people he met were, which is part of his appeal. He voice-over narrates throughout the film.

    Visually in movies, the camera sometimes shows the POV of a character or monster, as when in Jaws we see the underwater view of people’s legs as seen by the shark!

    Everyone reading this please remember to italicize film and book titles. We can do that in our posts, though not in some other areas of OpenLab. And we must do that in essays. Short stories and essays get quote marks, like “Girl” and Salvation.”



    1. Point of view is the viewpoint in which the story is told. Like which character you see it from.

    2. Yes, I feel like there are plenty of books like that.

    3. The one that I’m thinking of at the moment is boys over flowers. It’s told by Makino Tsukushi pov.

    4. Yes, I can also think of movies like that, mainly teen coming-of-age movies. They always tell it from the main character’s POV.

    5. POV is usually done in films by having the character talk and interact with the audience. That’s how we know the main character in a way.

    6. This film isn’t a teen coming of age but Deadpool definitely does its best out of the marvel movies.

    7. The only one I truly remember is The Necklace. It’s because of how wild the ending was to me. It was a sad story about overvaluing wealth.


    Obrien Eastman

    1. What is meant by point of view in stories? (It does not mean someone’s opinion.)
    Point of view is the eye or narrative voice through which you tell a story
    2. Can you think of any stories, any novels or short stories, you have read that are told by a character within the story?
    A character that comes to mind is Steven Harmon from a book I read a while back called “Monster”.
    3. Please name some and whose POV (point of view) is used.
    Langston Hughes “Thank you Ma’am” is using the point of view of roger.
    4. Can you think of any movies you have seen where a character’s POV is used?
    I Don’t remember any movies i’ve seen using a characters POV.
    5. How is POV done in a film?
    POV in a film basically lets us see everything as if we are the character.
    6. Can you name any movies that demonstrated POV?
    I cant think of any movies because im mostly a series guy but one show i can say that demonstrated POV is marvels the iron fist.

    In a typical story for children, the narrator knows everything. He is omniscient, God-like, and knows everything. This is called an omniscient narrator. The narrator will refer to characters using the third person, he and she.

    Please remember that film and novel titles are italicized and short story titles use quotation marks. Use this correctly in your responses.

    In more challenging stories authors often challenge us by telling the story through a character, someone who cannot be everywhere and cannot know everything.

    If the main character is a narrator he or she will use the pronoun “I.”

    7. Which short stories do you remember having read in previous English classes?
    Langston hughes “thank you ma’am” in eight grade.



    1. Point of view is the perspective of a story from one of the characters

    2. The Great Gatsby.

    3. Nick Carraway tells the story of The Great Gatsby from his perspective.

    4. The Sandlot

    5. POV in films is usually done by having a character narrate the story from their view as if it were their own thoughts.

    6. The Sandlot story is told as a flashback from one of the characters.

    7. Beowulf

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