ENG 1101 Fall 2020 OL20 (26956)

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  • What is parallelism in writing? Please post replies asap
  • #68961

    Prof. Masiello


    You are right but we can use parallelism even in essay writing. Most of us do not write stories, but those who write fiction often use more beautiful language that can be used by any student writer as well.


    Prof. Masiello


    The principle of not intersecting is correct for lines but in writing, parallel means using balanced language. Please see the recent Doc about how it works in writing.

    We also sometimes hear of a “parallel universe,” which usually means another world like Earth, but with key differences written by sci-fi writers often to comment on society.


    Prof. Masiello


    I find your answer interesting because it tells me that “parallel” as a concept in writing is far less known in English class than in math.

    Please see the Doc I recently posted on parallelism.


    Prof. Masiello


    One of the reasons English teachers ask students to read literature is to subconsciously show that quality writing can be used even when one writes essays for assignments.

    I sometimes think that when people look at magazine pictures of nice clothing, they subconsciously get a feel for what looks nice. They do not even have to go to the extend of tearing out a page and trying to match all the clothing in a store with the picture. Similarly, when you enjoy good sounding language you may try to emulate it.


    Prof. Masiello


    Yes, your examples are good and I like the idea of parallel parking because it shows the use of the work outside of math and straight lines.

    We also sometimes hear of a “parallel universe,” which usually means another world like Earth, but with key differences written by sci-fi writers often to comment on society.


    Prof. Masiello


    Math and lines, yes, but please see the recent Doc I posted about how parallelism improves our writing.



    1. What does the word ”parallel mean”?
    Parallel means side by side and having the same distance continuously between them.

    2.When have you heard it or used it, i.e. in what context.
    I have heard the word in math. In math parallel means two lines that never intersect for example an equal sign.

    3. Do you think parallelism in writing is good or bad?
    I think parallelism in writing is good to help the author structure sentences or paragraphs to craft the story.


    Saba Chaudhry

    1. What does the word “parallel” mean?

    The word parallel actually has a lot of meanings. It can mean side by side. It can also mean having a connection. Or it can mean something is happening at the same exact time.

    2. When have you heard it or used it, i.e. in what context.

    The first time I heard it, was in math class when I learned about parallel lines.

    3. Do you think parallelism in writing is good or bad?

    I believe parallelism can bring a lot of things to writing. I feel it broadens your writing and allows a way to c connect pieces of writing together. You can talk about one thing, then connect it to a parallel, something happened similarly. So, overall it is a good thing.


    Jaden W

    1. Parallel-extending in the same direction and never converging or diverging; similar and comparable

    2. I’ve heard it in math when talking about parallel lines and I’ve also heard it in movies or even novels that mention parallel universes.

    3. I believe parallelism in writing is good because it makes one’s writing easier to understand and relate to. It helps project a message or the central idea better.

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