ENG 1101 Fall 2020 OL20 (26956)

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  • Do I like to write?
  • #66613


    I have no problems writing as long as I get free will, back in high school whenever we had to write stories I would always have more confidence than others because when I get to write stories of my own I can get really creative. Sometimes I even lose track of time and almost end up writing a book. I also like to write poetry because for me it just comes naturally and I can express myself through poetry or lyrics.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Makai.

    Prof. Masiello

    Well, Elda, you are correct about these matters:

    Writing things down is therapeutic when you are upset about something. Just writing it helps get it out of your head. No one else needs to even see it.

    Also writing preserves your thoughts, hence using a journal.

    Writing requires collecting one’s thoughts. Often we only use speaking to be spontaneous, whereas writing takes time.

    Typically we speak to someone who replies, giving us immediate feedback. Writing requires time not just to do, but to get feedback.

    We, therefore, have to provide details about how the reader will reply and have to provide details, like Makia mentioned, because writing is rather one-sided.


    Melina Tlatelpa

    I enjoy writing even though I don’t do it daily. But at times writing can be hard when doing school assignments because I just don’t know what to write anymore. Writing can be a way to let stress go away. When I write in my journal I feel relieved.

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