Complete Dentures RESD 2311

active 4 years, 6 months ago
Complete Dentures RESD 2311
This Course is OPEN.
Restorative Dentistry
Course Code
RESD 2311
Semester / Year
Fall 2012
Course Description

A study of the principles and procedures of constructing a maxillary immediate denture and a
surgical template. Also fabricating a Hader Bar and clips for an overdenture mandibular denture


This course was created by: Avis J. Smith

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Comment on "my case study #11"

HI. I am trying to find 2411. Does it have a site on Open lab? See MoreComment on "my case study #11"

Comment on "Prof. Smith’s Trivia Questions"

The same metals used in both coins and dentistry would be copper, tin, gold, silver and chromium. See MoreComment on "Prof. Smith’s Trivia Questions"

Comment on "Course Open-Lab Project"

Hello Linda: This site contains our project information. You are welcome to make comments. Prof. Smith See MoreComment on "Course Open-Lab Project"

Recent Discussions

Open Lab Flow Chart Study of Fabrication Procedures.

Students should participate in the development of process flow charts to detail the fabrication processes of flasking/investing/boil-out, and packing of their dentures. You can question or give your suggetions on what you consider to be […] See MoreOpen Lab Flow Chart Study of Fabrication Procedures.

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