COMD3633, Advanced Strategies in Illustration, SP20

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  • Week 8 Proper Online Discussion Techniques
  • #58694

    Sara Gómez Woolley

    Hello Class! We are moving out Class discussion to an online format.

    Here is where we will discuss new topics each week. You new topic will be labeled with the semester week. For example “Week 8 Proper Online Discussion Techniques”.

    You will have one full week (Thursday 12:01 am – WED the following week 11:59 PM) to chime in. I will be counting participation in discussion towards your Participation Grade.

    Guidelines for participation:

    Comment Intelligently on the question after checking out any materials provided.

    READ the whole thread.

    Don’t repeat other students.

    Do reply to other students and build on their ideas.

    MINIMUM Participation is to participate 2x. Once at the beginning and once at the end, after reading the thread so your comments are relevant.

    For this particular discussion, you can just say you understand or ask a question about our course discussions here. I’ll asl oleave it open until WED the 25th :)

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