COMD 3552 E384 OL84 Production For Designers

Syllabus COMD OL 3532 E384   Production for Designers

New York City College of Technology (City Tech)

The City University of New York (CUNY)

Professor Thaddeus B. Kubis – 917.597.1891

Course Description: Production for Designers focuses on current print and production procedures that can prepare designers and creative thinkers for real-world situations. Understanding print (offset and digital) and the process of production is an essential part of the design that can assure a predictable outcome of deliverables. Emphasis is on the importance of project management, personal communication skills to better interface with colleagues. Topics include print media specifications, digital and offset prepress, page imposition, proofing, different substrates, foil stamping, and preparation of color files. Applied discussion of reverse engineering, workflow, and project planning are critical to this course. Strategic use of Internet search engines, websites, and leveraging tools of technology is demonstrated to support student efforts.

This Synchronous course will be held online and will start at 6:00 pm, on Monday, ending at 9:20 pm, Beginning on August 31st, 2020. This online course will use, ZOOM, OpenLab, and Blackboard as the weekly instructional media and share files, links, and supportive documents.

You will need a laptop or tablet to access the course, a smartphone may be too small of a screen to effectively use as your main media device.


3 Credits, 4 Hours (2 lectures, 2 labs)

Prerequisites (Or co-requisite as required) (Or co-requisite as required) COMD 3500 or COMD 3501 or department approval required.

Recording of Class Sessions:

Students who participate in this class with their camera on or use a profile image are agreeing to have their video or image recorded solely for the purpose of creating a record for students enrolled in the class to refer to, including those enrolled students who are unable to attend live. If you are unwilling to consent to have your profile or video image recorded, be sure to keep your camera off and do not use a profile image. Likewise, students who un-mute during class and participate orally are agreeing to have their voices recorded. If you are not willing to consent to have your voice recorded during class, you will need to keep your mute button activated and communicate exclusively using the “chat” feature, which allows students to type questions and comments live.

Learning Goals: Students in this class are expected to observe, engage, analyze, critique, explore, construct and demonstrate knowledge of the technology, terminology, skills, tools, policies, and procedures to understand how print production procedures work across digital and offset output. Students are required to demonstrate an understanding of the class’s topics from in-class involvement, lectures, notes, readings, resource material visit to industry-based firms, and completing the assignments prior to and in the class sessions

Conduct: The class will include two, 10-minute breaks, no cell phone usage is allowed in the class (or while online) and in-class (online) conduct is expected to be professional, negative behavior will be noted and can impact your final grade.

Requirements: Students are required to use OpenLab/Blackboard/Zoom for class announcements, downloads, copies of class lectures. Students must have a college-issued email address linked to OpenLab.

Educational Resources: Links, articles, books, videos, will be listed on OpenLab as they relate to the lesson plan. There is no class text suggested reading include:

Introduction to Graphic Communication –

The International Paper Pocket Pal –

Designing For Print –

Ready to Print-

Class Sessions and Tentative Topics: Class session begin on-line, on Monday, August 31, 2020 (6:00 pm to 9:20 pm), and ends on Monday, December 14th, a total of 15 sessions will be held. The class would normally meet in P112. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, no classes will be held on campus, all classes will be presented online via ZOOM, Blackboard, OpenLab will be used to support the sessions.

Please access the school calendar: for meeting dates and holidays.

And meeting days:

Office Hour: I will be available to answer your questions or to clarify any topics and in-class subjects. I will be available sort of on-demand by appointment. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, I will be available for calls, texts, emails, or video chats as needed. Video chats should be scheduled in advance. I can be reached at or 917.597.1891, call or text are welcomed.

OpenLab: When stated and supportive, all in-class presentations, links, articles, attachments will be uploaded via OpenLab for your review, OpenLab link for this class:

Final Grade Formula: Total 100%; 25% Projects; 10% Quiz/test, 25% In-Class Productivity 25%, Final Exam 15%.

Grade Focus and Measurements: Focus on six-grade productivity factors (values will depend on the focus of assignment): (1) Use of appropriate & accurate identification in file and page IDs. (2) Use of appropriate & accurate terminology. (3) Use of appropriate & accurate specifications. (4) Demonstrate the application of knowledge to solve raster and vector challenges. (5) Presentation of your original material. (6) Citation & documentation of supporting material.

There may be no make-ups for those who are late for or miss any classes, quizzes, labs, or projects. You are responsible for being in class on time, submitting assignments, and asking relevant questions. Information that is covered when you are out of the room or distracted from paying attention is still your responsibility. Students who are more than 15 minutes late may be marked “late” and 30 minutes late may be marked “absent.” Assignments received after the deadline may earn a zero. After the end of class, any late assignments may earn a zero. Any missed assignments may earn a zero. Levels of grade definitions (numbers from current College Catalog) Maximum Points: 4 / A = 93 – 100; excellent (superior quality in meeting expectations) Accuracy, organization, and presentation of work exceed coursework requirements and the student demonstrates content mastery.

Above Average Points: 3.7 / A- = 90 – 92.9;

3.3 / B+ = 87 – 89.9;

3.0 / B = 83 – 86.9;

2.7 / B- = 80 – 82.9;

2.3 / C+ = 77 – 79.9;

Presentation of work meets the coursework requirements and the student demonstrates an above average understanding of the coursework without complete mastery.

Average Points: 2 / C = 70 – 76.9; acceptable (satisfactory in meeting expectations) Presentation almost meets coursework requirements. Material needs revision to reflect correct/complete information. However, the student demonstrates a general understanding.

Below Average Points: 1 / D = 60 – 69.9; Unacceptable quality (does not meet expectations) Needs revision to correct information. Demonstrates minimal understanding of the topic. No Points: 0 (Zero) / F = 59.9 and below Needs substantial revision to correct coursework information. Does not demonstrate a minimal understanding of the coursework.

Attendance (College) and Lateness (Department) Policies: Attendance is taken and is important to success in this class. Both absences and arrival more than 15 minutes after the start of class will be marked. If a student’s class absences or equivalents are excessive, the instructor may alert the student that he or she may be in danger of not meeting the course objectives and may be in danger of not meeting the course objectives and participation expectations, which could lead to a lower grade. A grade of “WU” is only for students who attended at least once and stopped attending without officially withdrawing from the course. CUNY and College Academic Integrity Policy: Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion.

ZOOM Registration and link information.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

When: New date each week

Register in advance for this meeting:

Each week I will provide via OpenLab a link to the next scheduled session.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Tentative Topics:

Monday, August 31st, 2020 – Session One: Introduction to the class, orientation, and syllabus review. Main topics: What is Production, how does it impact the design, creative product, discussion of project management, and reverse engineering.

What is Graphic Communication?

What are the basics of print?

How will an understanding of Graphic Communications help you and expand your career?

Print has always been a disruptive technology, today it is changing and will continue to change, why?

Historically there have always been three parts of print – prepress (now pre-media), press, and post-press.

The new model for print production.

Digital Tools

Multi-Channel Publishing

Printing and Image Management tools

A shift to a new model of Print Distribution

The Importance of Production:


Reverse Engineering:

Project Management:

Your turn – What would you like to learn?

Daily Session Summary:

Monday, September 14th, 2020 – Session Two: Review of Session One topics and examination of the first-in-class lab project.

The history of print and printing methods, from the earliest days of print to current print technology and the segments of print, the re-birth of print, and the future role of print. Reverse engineering with examples and in-class assignment review.

Develop your own Print Production dictionary – Why you ask?

FTP sites, Raster, Vector, and Imaging formats.

Homework Assignment: Collect and define the use of at least 3 – different printed samples.

Monday, September 21st, 2020 – Session Three: Review assignment samples.

What is print, the future of print and an introduction, overview of print specifications, standards, and basic print tools? Document setup, review file types, file development, and introduce the Mid-Term project.

In Class research “What is Media” and the language used to work ”in” media.

Discussion, the integration of digital and legacy media.

FTP sites, Raster, Vector, and Imaging formats. What is production-based Specifications and Standards?

Monday, October 5th, 2020 – Session Four:

Presentation Lou Balsamo – Senior Production Manager – LINK 9

Review of the process of print, discuss page imposition, examples (online) of simple imposition. Four main “types” of printing, in-class assignment/discussion. Lithography, Flexography, Gravure, and Screenprint processes.

What is printing, what does it mean to you?

Technological Transitions – The move forward

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 – Session Five

First review of materials covered, Mid-Term exam, Imposition, what is color management? RGB and CMYK, additive and subtractive color theory, explain color gamut’s, space profiles, and targets. Explain the value of color to the brand and the impact of color on the consumer. Introduction to Printing.

Monday, October 19th, 2020 – Session Six:

Main topic; Color, Color Management, color and brands, guest speaker, and in-depth examination of color balancing an in-class display. Introduction of color management terms and What is a Delta? Discussing the three “verticals” contained within the graphic art business. Linking the four print production types with the three-print based “verticals” and linking digital and legacy media.

Guest Speaker on Color, Color Management the importance of color: George Kondogianis – Certified Color Specialist

Monday, October 2626h, 2020 – Session Seven:

Debra Corn – Guest Speaker, The Importance of Production

Paper, substrates, and the importance of the “touch” in a successful print-based project. How is paper made? Is paper the fifth color in 4-color printing? Review of multiple samples, products form SAPPI, MOHAWK, and other paper manufacturers and merchants.

Monday, November 2nd, 2020 – Session Eight: Complete the discussion of Paper, Substrates, the use of paper, substrates as part of the production process. The Impact of paper of the user, discus haptics, and the Neuroscience of paper and touch.

Monday, November 9th, 2020  –Session Nine:  What happens after the project is designed and printed? What is Finishing, Distribution, and post-production? Post-press, bindery, finishing, the role of the designer to manage a production-based project. Timelines, planning workflow, the partnership between the designer and the vendor.

Monday, November 16th, 2020 – Session Ten:  Structural Graphics PDF review and discussion of the importance of the creative process and the related print business. Linking Print, new, and emerging media into a single targeted marketing tool. The importance of cross-media production.

Monday, November 23rd, 2020 – Session Eleven: What is Digital Print? How does digital impact the designer, are the production needs the same, different and if so, how are they the same, how are they different. What is Inkjet printing, large format, signage, and OOH?

Monday, November 30th, 2020 – Session Twelve: Closeout on Printing Specs and Design and production workflow, identifying and solving production problems. Printing Industry Standards, Color Specs, an examination of a press proof, soft and hard proofing, the importance of proofing. Prepress, Premedia, and pre-flighting. Understanding the PDF, Halftones, and review.

Monday, December 7th, 2020 –  Session Thirteen: Putting it all together, Creative workflow, Pre-media, production, post-production and distribution, and finishing.

 Monday, December 14th, 2020 Session Fourteen: Review of the Class Project

 Monday, December 21st, 2020 Session Fifteen: Review for Final Exam

Professor: Thaddeus B. Kubis – 917.597.1891


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