COMD 2451 – Web Design I

There is a lot of homework this week, 10/18 and 10/19.

IMPORTANT: These are in order of importance. Meaning: I need you to get ALL of this done, BUT the first things on the list should be done first. (I would much rather you not be done with #4 than you not be ready for the quiz next week!)

  1.  STUDY for the Bug Hunt quiz next week! Study ALL the slides we have so far about code (weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) and practice writing the code in them (you can make a file in and try out examples of each piece of code) so that you can easily recognize errors in code. The quiz will be ALL about identifying code errors in both HTML and CSS.
  2. Reading and writeup:
    1. Review the W3Schools sections on HTML Links and Image Maps (this could very well be on the quiz!)
    2. Reading Response (send me): What are some good uses for hyperlinked image maps on a website or app?
  3. Read the documentation on W3.CSS: the following sections: HOME through Buttons (16 pages); Lists, Images, Inputs, Icons, Responsive, Layout, Navigation, Grid.
  4. Make the gallery for your responsive portfolio.
    1. Download the folder, Responsive Template, from our class OneDrive.
    2. Open up READ ME FIRST.docx and read the instructions.
    3. Open the Responsive Template folder in VS Code (yes, select the folder and then hit Open). You will work in these two files: w3-schools-responsive.html and my-styles.css. (You can also open in, but it will be easier in VS Code because you don’t have to upload any images)
    4. Also open w3-schools-responsive.html in your browser.
    5. Edit the file with your name, and add your own gallery images (the 72dpi images).
    6. See what happens if you change colors. See what happens if you add more than 3 blocks to a row.
    7. When you are happy with your template, post it to the Week 7 Assignment Page in Blackboard. Upload it as index.html to your website. (Remember to change the name of your existing index page on you website, if you have your resume or other file as your home page). Upload any photos that you use in the /images/ folder also.


Tags: Homework