COMD 1340 D164 Spring 2020

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  • COMD 1340 H.W #1
  • #57610

    Daniah Saifan

    The photograph I chose is Park Slope, Brooklyn by Suzanne Stein. It shows identical twin girls through the window of a closed door. Both girls are dressed the same, in a green undershirt and a gray jacket with hearts all over. Everything is identical in the photograph apart from the girls’ facial expressions. The girl on the right is staring directly at the photographer with a confused expression, as the photograph is being taken. While the girl on the left has her face pressed to the door’s window and creating a funny face, completely oblivious to the photographer. I chose this photograph because it is simple and relatable. Anyone can take a similar photo and probably have taken one of their kids, siblings, etc. This photograph reminded me of my nephews and the countless photos I have taken of them on my phone.

    Three formal elements that Suzanne Stein uses in the photograph are symmetry, frame within a frame, and fill the frame. The symmetry can be seen with the use of identical twins as well as their placement being separated by the middle by the door handles. Frame within a frame is presented by the photographer taking the picture from outside the door; looking through its windows. And fill the frame is the close up of the photo, with the girls filling the whole space and providing no other subjects to distract from them.



    Nicely stated. You clearly identified the most important compositional principles used by Stein. You might have also added that it is shot from a high angle. this may seem less obvious because it is the normal angle between an adult and children. But look at the lines of the door frame. the strong downward motion adds to the image.

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