Bryan Saldivar’s ePortfolio

Bryan Saldivar's ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Architectural Technology
Portfolio Description

My name is Bryan Saldivar and I’m 18 years old in my 2nd semester in city tech.

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Comment on "Assignment# 4 Swiss Style Band Poster"

I think you did a really nice job with choosing the colors for this piece. I believe that you […] See MoreComment on "Assignment# 4 Swiss Style Band Poster"

Comment on "Assignment #1- Research and Thumbnail"

I like your thumbnails they are nicely put together and shows what we have done in class today […] See MoreComment on "Assignment #1- Research and Thumbnail"

Comment on "Assignment #1- Research and Thumbnail"

I really like how you drew one picture and then subdivided it into smaller parts. It allows us to […] See MoreComment on "Assignment #1- Research and Thumbnail"