ARCH 1121 An Introduction to Architecture…Spring 2016 Mishara

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Yurt and Igloo", saved on February 29, 2016 at 12:35 pm by Jason A. Ansah
Yurt and Igloo
The Yurt and Igloo are two basic but memorable form of Architecture. Though both deemed structures, were introduced in two different climates, by two different ethnicities, the two structures provide a successful sense of shelter. These two interesting style of shelter shared both some similarities and differences. The Yurt and Igloo are both a vernacular influenced style. The igloo which is known to be found only in very cold climates such as Antarctica, Greenland and the Arctic surroundings is built with blocks of snow and ice. The cold air felt around in the arctic climates, assured the basic structure firmness as it kept he icy clocks used to build the Igloos together. The dome shape shelter, ironically provide warmth during their temporary stays in the icy cold climates. The Yurt On the other hand can only be found in warmer climates. The similar dome shape shelter is built with thick sheep’s wool and wood which is used as structural support in order to keep it sustained. The thick sheep skin protects from wind and rain. The yurt also serves as a shelter during the quest to hunt. The yurt and Igloo are still relevant today because they were successful for the purposes that they were built to serve.

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February 29, 2016 at 5:35 pm Jason A. Ansah