Anthony Sewell’s ePortfolio

Anthony Sewell’s ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Communication Design
Portfolio Description

My name is Tony Sewell and I want start by saying thanks for visiting my site. Out of the millions of pages on the web, you’ve found yourself to mine. I’m pursuing an Associate in Communication Design at City Tech. Back in ’05, I took a few digital media courses and those made me realize how much I enjoy aesthetic, harmonization and storytelling. I’ve worked in sales for 9 years at a bike shop and that’s given me a clear idea on what I bring to the world of communications.I love to engage people but the attention span for face-to-face human interaction is depleting and this is where my path towards communication design comes in.

I hope to share with you my ideas and experiences through this channel. Advertising is an avenue I’ve always enjoyed along with film, and social commentary.

Over time, I hope to share with you my work on multiple media platforms. At the moment , I’m familiarizing myself with the design approach while my strong suit is brainstorming and conceptualizing. I’m originally from The Bronx and being its the birthplace of graffiti, getting my point across in an, “in your face fashion” is in my blood.

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Comment on "Bio"

[…] But it’s also evident in his blog posts reflecting on his internship, and in the memes a […] See MoreComment on "Bio"