American Government, Alexander Sections

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  • The Next President of the United States
  • #29392

    Who do you think it will be?

    And (if you feel like saying), who do you think it should be, and why?


    Special K

    I don’t know who the next potus will be but I tell you this much, none of the candidates are smart enough to deal with some of the heads of states in other countries. I just finished watching the OCSE, 2014 with Vladamir Putin speaking. I don’t know how we are going to credibly match up with that guy. Now I understand America’s need to sanction Russia. This guy is uber intelligent and strategic (I love the way he did the president to prime minister back to president trade off with Medvedev). I respect the guy and from what I’ve been reading, far more Americans have a positive opinion of him than the government would like us to believe. Then again, why do they care what we think anyway.


    Special K

    Where is that Wharton transcript?


    D. Barrozo

    I don’t know who it will be but i hope anything but Trump, and I think i can safely assume everyone else feels the same way


    Gloria Siguencia

    Like you say professor “God help us” if its Trump. He has no respect to any one specially those that are against him. His resolution to stop attacks is not allowing Muslims to enter the Unites States, thats not a solution. On the contrarly, it may make things worse for terrorism conflicts. He lives in a world where he believes denying access to individuals to enter the country will fix all problems, unrealistic. I just hope our new President is not him.


    Special K

    AS I was listening to the radio this morning, I heard other listeners call in and express the same sentiment that I have. I cannot, in good conscience, vote for either candidate. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your perspective, a significant number of the U. S. population may be voting the same way. Since Independent voters have not been able to participate in the primaries, their vote will be the deciding vote. I heard quite a few people who have stated that they intend to vote for the Green Party candidate, Dr. Jill Stein. Dr. Stein has been running as a Green Party candidate for the past three presidential elections with virtually no chance of winning due to her exclusion form the political process. So a vote for her basically cancels out the participant’s vote because it won’t be acknowledged.
    Since Hillary Clinton has soooo much baggage and ill-will directed toward her, I can’t see her winning the presidency but life is so bizarre right now, it’s a crap shoot. To think that in 2016, these are the two nominees for POTUS! This is mind-boggling. KARMA IS A B-TCH!!!!


    Speaking not as anybody’s instructor but as a fellow citizen, I can say that I, personally, differ greatly with the people who think that Hillary Clinton is as bad as Donald Trump. There’s loads I don’t like about her, but it’s Trump who scares me. It’s also Trump whose success in the election season thus far is a source of great shame and embarrassment to me as an American.

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