ADV1100 Graphic Design Principles 1

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  • Class 7 : Attendance and HELP
  • #15692

    Professor, I’m looking at the lecture just to read over it once before we actually do it… When we create the prep mash up sketches…. do we have to actually draw a grid out in our sketchbook?



    I have the same questions as above and are we just pretty much sketching it out?



    and do we just fill up the whole page?


    Jenna Spevack

    Yuliya, Vicky, Michael,

    Yes the sketches should be 9×11, filling up the whole page. Refer to the past student examples for reference.

    I would draw out the grid. You don’t need to include it in your final inked drawing, but it’s a useful tool for creating a unified composition.


    Yuliya Bas

    Thanks for clarifying, professor :)



    ok thanks and are we suppose to make them connect exactly or just see which work the best together? and do we need that exact grid or can we make up our own?


    Jenna Spevack

    Michael: For this exercise, you will be attempting to unite 1-3 staccato and 1-3 legato patterns into a 9″x11″ grid – like a DJ mixing parts of different songs. By unite, I don’t mean that they need to connect exactly, but rather that they need to work together, like an orchestra. The pattern pieces should relate, in the same way a tuba and a violin relate in a well-conceived sound composition. They couldn’t be more different, but they can work together. =)

    Refer to the student examples and play around with the sound exercise: for inspiration.



    Thank you very much Professor.



    Hey Professor can we use one design more than once?



    Miss on the examples i see that some of the patterns are repeating like 2 or 3 times !!! so can i do the same repeating the patterns in different sizes ???


    Jenna Spevack

    Yes. You should be using repetition of patterns. If you are only using 1 or 2 of each staccato and legato, you will need to repeat. Refer to the student examples. You will see that many have just used 1 staccato and 1 legato pattern, but have rotated, flipped, reflected and repeated to create variety.



    I’m just a little confused because i began working with the grid and organizing my pattern but is the 3 sketches of the Pattern Mash up in the Lab the same thing?


    Jenna Spevack

    Post your work in progress at the end of class here:

    You should have lots of patterns to work from and you will need to create at least 3 versions of the final mashup, so I’m not sure what you mean by different than my current one.


    Jenna Spevack

    Great work everyone! Looking forward to seeing your final INKED Pattern Mash Ups when we met next Thursday! Continue to post your questions and give feedback.


    Jenna Spevack

    Michael, Yes. The 3 sketches you started today for the Lab are your preparatory drawings for your final inked composition, which is due next Thursday. Finish the 3 sketches and then choose the best one. Recreate that sketch on Bristol in ink.

    We always make iterations, so that we can find out what will work best for our design problem, in this case the Pattern Mashup.

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