Machine Learning with TurtleBot3

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  • Toggling simulation LIDAR scanner visibility and changing scan samples for ML
  • #89292

    Ruyel Rodrigues

    To change the settings outlined in the ROBOTIS e-manual for machine learning, namely the LIDAR scanner to be visible and changing the sample rate from 360 to 24. The user has to access the file in: Computer/opt/ros/noetic/share/turtlebot3_description/urdf/turtlebot3_burger.gazebo.xacro

    The file will only be read-only and thus unchangeable. To fix that we need write permissions.

    Do the following to get full access to all the ros file in order to make the changes.

    • use  cd /  to access root.
    • use cd opt  to access the opt folder
    • use  sudo chmod -R 777 ros   to have all permissions to any file in the ros folder which will include the .xacro file.
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