Meeting W 3/13 and Gathering W 3/20

Green Spaces/Freedom by Design: Gathering today and special event next Wednesday, 3/20 at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Come by V813 at 5:00 PM today, March 13th,  if you’re around. We’ll be discussing and finalizing the presentation for the President tomorrow, as well as putting several seedlings in larger containers, and planning out the coming weeks of activities and action. All the seeds we’ve planted have sprouted except a two stubborn  types of wildflowers, so we have about 18 types of plants growing (are there any photo bloggers out there? ). 

An important announcement: one special event is next Wednesday evening. It is a class at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden on preparing  gardens for spring. It begins at 5:30 PM on Wednesday March20th and ends at 8:00 PM (2.5 hours). Everyone is welcome but the number of seats are slightly limited so please RSVP. We can go earlier in the afternoon to see the botanic gardens – and the weather looks great for the 20th! 

Please RSVP for the BBG Class Preparing for Spring.

QPL Elmhurst Library Plant and Seed Swap

Climate Action: Plant Swap And Mingle

Bring your pest-free plants, cuttings, and seeds to trade with other plant parents at our monthly swap! No registration needed – all are welcome.

Two hands holding soil and a young plant, with the words Plant Swap.
Image from Elmhurst Library event description


Mar 18, 4:30pm – 5:30pm



How To Attend?




86-07 Broadway, Elmhurst, NY 11373

(718) 271-1020

Get directions to event.


Teens, Seniors, Kids(6-11), Kids(0-5), Adults

Green Spaces & Freedom By Design Clubs — Today, W 2/7, 5 – 6 PM

Good evening, 

Thank you for attending the meeting and for giving input into the Green Spaces and Freedom by Design groups! It was great to see everyone last Wednesday, and we’re very appreciative of all the amazing ideas being offered, and excited to be setting up events and trips for the coming months! We all hope to have things set up in a way that the things people’s interests and that people can attend easily.

This is to say – we are LOOKING FORWARD to your inputs on the Miro Board information – 

A few things:

The link to the Miro Board is here in case you’re comfortable with Miro and want to input directly: 

  • Also let us know about your schedules vis a vis the following: So far, we have been working towards meetings on Wednesdays at the end of the day, and also having events/meetings on Fridays and occasional Saturdays.  For example, we’re thinking to have the trip to the Catskills, some outdoor hiking adventures, some Service Beautification Days, and the class with the Brooklyn Botanic Garden on Fridays and Saturdays. 
  • Let us know generally how this works – we can always make adjustments. There are also quite a number of faculty mentors available to work with various interests so many opportunities exist! 
  • The Green Spaces Club/Freedom By Design has openings for some officers – please sign up! 
  • And – importantly, there are some meetings set with Vice Presidents, Provost, and Deans to discuss ideas for more interactivity with nature and establishing more plants around campus. Everyone is welcome to join. We’ll need to meet before and decide upon and prepare the topics to be discussed and ask that you attend this pre-meeting. You will receive an e-vite shortly. 
  • We’ll be meeting Wednesday, 2/7, at 5 pm in V813 to look over seed catalogues and choose seeds to order and plant shortly. 

NYPL Riverside Library Plant Swap

From the New York Public Library’s Riverside branch, on Amsterdam Ave and 65th Street in Manhattan:

Plant Swap

  • Date and Time: Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 3 – 5 PM
  • End times are approximate. Events may end early or late.
  • Location: Riverside Library, 127 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10023
  • Fully accessible to wheelchairs
  • For all ages

Event Details

Illustration of plants

Is your indoor jungle overgrowing your space? Do you have cuttings to give away? Do you want to trade for something new or just adopt a new little plant friend? Join us on the first Tuesday of every month and meet new plant friends, both human and vegetation!

Come on down to the Riverside Library and get your swap on! Meet other plant friends! Trade plants, tips, and stories. You may find that wishlist plant you’ve been looking for or try something entirely new.

This is a free plant swap. There is no fee to participate. You are encouraged to bring a healthy and pest-free plant or cutting to swap, but it’s not required. Also, please bring your own bags and/or containers to carry your new green friends home. Everyone is welcome!

Join the Club!

This Green Spaces club will be at the Club Fair on Thursday, September 8th, 12:45-2:15. Join us there, hear more about the club, and join! We’ll be looking for students interested in becoming club leaders, and to get student signatures for the club roster. Club leaders and members will have the opportunity to shape to club’s purpose and objectives, to choose projects, and to get their hands dirty to grow City Tech’s green spaces.