Using all principles of Color from Project #5 Color Wheel

Project Overview

Problem: Create Palettes that express your personality, using principles of Color explored in Project #5 Color Wheel.

Materials: Colored Pencils, Sktech book, Pens, & Bristol Pad 11″ x 14″

Concepts: Complementary Colors, Warm, & Cool

Technical Skillspainting techniques, Drawing, Thumbnail sketching, graphic tools


  • Ability to recognize and define major color properties: hue, value and saturation (chroma)
  • Ability to see individual hue in terms of its value and saturation, in relation to other hues.
  • Recognition of Temperature in color palettes. Use Nature and memory as inspiration to guide you.
  • Ability to determine and utilize color palettes: monochrome, analogous, warm/cool, complementary, triads (primary, secondary), etc. using CMYK and RGB systems
  • Comfortable with paint mixing, paint application, formatting pages, and using rulers and tape for edges.

1. Discover

2. Define

  • Create 3 rectangular shapes on your sketchbook or digitally and fill in with a color palette of your choice.
  • Bring the sketch of Complimentary & Saturated Palettes for approval

3. Develop

Complimentary & Saturated Colors: IN PRINT

  • For the first image, create 3 rectangular shapes with 1″ x 1.250″ on Bristol 11″ x 14″Trim to size 14″ x 7″ (2 Bristol Pads are needed)
  • Use palette paper and select 6 types of complementary & mix both to reveal the middle color. Use a Palette knife to blend several mixtures before painting into the grid.
Outline 1
Outline 2

4. Deliver


  • Bring all color wheels of this project to class
  • Be prepared to present, discuss, and analyze your finished work in terms of concept, craft, what you learned, and the design process.
  • State the following: your name, what you are presenting (title and design problem), which parts are successful and why, and which parts are unsuccessful and why.
  • Your peers and the professor will provide feedback. You will have an opportunity to revise your work based on the feedback to improve your work and your grade.

Documentation and Feedback

Submitting in your work

Follow the Submitting Your Work guidelines and include the project-specific details below:

  • Post Titles: Color Wheel & Color Palettes
  • Images: Organize your post to include all content from the 2 parts of the Design Process for this project.
  • Create headings for each phase and include images or a gallery, where appropriate:
    • Research for Color Wheel Sketches
    • Process – design and paint
    • Final Presentation, including post and reflection
  • Written Project Reflection: In your post, document your thoughts about this project. Think about what you learned, what you could have done better (planning, material use, craft), and how you will apply what you learned to your next project. Consider and respond to the comments made in class during the critique.
  • Category:
    • Category = Project #5 & 6 (All parts of Color Project)
    • Color Wheel & Color Palettes Project #5 & 6

Providing Feedback

Part of your Project grade is leaving well-written comments for at least one of your peers. Follow the Providing Feedback for specific guidelines for leaving constructive feedback.