Learning Log: Portrait Basics


In this photo what helps the most are the models expressions and the oblique angle the camera is set on. Also the back light outlining their clothing and separating them from the background.

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One of the photographers that stood out to me the most was Michael Kenna who’s better known as the master of landscape. I was captivated by his image “Brooklyn Bridge” taken here in New York City in 2006. The image consist of one of the oldest bridge in the United States and the city standing right in back of it giving it such a glimpse. It seems meaningful in the way that it explains without words that he doesn’t even need much of the daylight to see the brightness because we are in the city that doesn’t sleep like many tend to say. The photography is a mix of grey scale, with highlights and black shadows.

The Brooklyn bridge stands out the most with it’s fine lines going straight ahead and creating a wide depth of field with a distance that appears acceptably sharp. The river has a smooth reflection of both, the bridge and the city with soft lighting. It seems to be night time, however, the moon is so bright that it makes it look like is daytime in the city due to the max of light and dark contrast going on in this landscape image. It also gives me the presentation of the bridge being a pathway of walking towards a place full of life and joy; the city. It’s amusing to see a shot of something that’s really familiar to me, yet it’s different from the city images that I’ve seen before taken by other photographers. His choice of shooting at night time with long exposures makes it more striking and interesting. I enjoyed watching this image because it makes me appreciate the beauty of the city in which I live in.


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Learning Log 2


I chose this picture because of it’s large range of color. Most of the other pictures that were taken had tones of gray and brown that weren’t too appealing. This picture had an eye level that was different from other groups. It is symmetrical but doesn’t focus on it and has a high contrast even without the color.

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So High!!

_MG_3595 I like this photo because it’s elevated from a worm’s point of view with some contrast. This could also be a low angle with some vertical lines in the background and a medium shot.

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Luis Lopez

Michael Kenna


Brooklyn Bridge, Study 1, New York City, USA, 2006



The photo that I have chosen is of the Brooklyn Bridge. It was shot from an angle, it shows the water under the bridge and the buildings in Manhattan if I’m not mistaken. I would say that it has a calm and peaceful felling because of the resting waters and how the buildings appear in the image, doesn’t feel too busy to me like New York usually is. The contrast from the top of the image to the body of water also helps create that peaceful sensation. Especially with the bright sky on the side.

There is a strong diagonal line, which is the bridge, I think that it makes you stop and stare at the bridge for a second before looking at everything else. There are also lines on the structures holding the bridge creating interesting shapes. The buildings in the back also create more lines that are straight, as well as the piece where the bridge begins or ends that combines with the buildings lines really well. For framing, I don’t that there is much of that but I can see how someone can argue that the bridge itself is a frame, showcasing the sky and the water with the buildings. I don’t think I would agree though. However for patterns there are plenty, the patterns on the building that allow you to differentiate the buildings from each other as well as the pattern of the windows. The interesting pattern of the reflection on the surface of the water. Also, the most noticeable pattern that’s on the bridge, not only of the supporting wires but also of the entire structure, the repeating boards and rods that create the bridge itself. When I first looked at the image it seems as though there is no depth of field but the more I look at it, I start to think that the photographer wanted the viewer to focus on the left side of the image, because some detail is lost near the right of the bridge but I am not entirely sure. The contrast is something that you notice right away because the image is in black and white. As I’ve said before the focus of the image is primarily on the bridge and part of the reason is because of the high contrast between black and white. Or if you’re more drawn to lighter colors you might look at the water first. Either way contrast plays a big part into what you decide to focus on first. For the last part the vantage point or angle of view is my favorite part of the image. It almost feels as though you’re flying or walking on the water creating that blissful felling. It reminds me of dreams that I’ve had. I think that the angle is brilliant, it’s at a perfect height, capturing the mood together so well!

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Stool picture

stuid stool

This picture is my favorite out of all of them due to the fact of the contrast of light and dark. Also with the dark environment and also using Worm’s eye view gives a feeling of horror or what is going to happen next. There is also a rule of thirds and framing that took place in the photograph that i liked also.

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I’ve chosen this image because it has many elements in it. The most prominent element is the shallow depth of field, it guides you to focus on the chair. As well as strong horizontal and from the top of the chair and the lights in the background. There is also a sense of contrast between the lights and the bottom of the chair.

Luis Lopez

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IMG_0915 copy_2

I think what makes this a good photo is using the rule of thirds to make it asymmetrical. Off-centering the subject makes the overall photo more interesting. I also feel that the contrast on the stool draws your eye to it quickly.

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Close up

closeupThis is my favorite out of all due to the high depth of field, I think the term is called “bokeh”. It takes a bit for you to realize what the subject actually is since you’re so close to it. The curve on the edge is also interesting because usually with the photos I’ve seen like this, its something sharp.

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LL2 Franklin Bautista



What really caught my attention was the change from a soft focus to a sharp focus and back to a soft. In the are of the sharp focus there is a great amount of detail. this is an extreme close-up.

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